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The Armoury Review :: Super Soaker 200

.: Statistics measured at



Manufacturer: Larami Corp.

Class:  Air - Pressure Chamber

  Item Number: 9933-0
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 1990 / 1992
  Patents: 5,150,819
  Availability: No Longer Made


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 1000.00 g (35.34 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 2050.00 mL (68.33 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: 500.00 mL (16.67 fl.oz.)
  Pump Volume: 15 mL (0.5 fl.oz.) Ratings .:

Power: 7

Range: 90

Encumbrance: 65

Ergonomics: 70

Capacity: 70

Overall: 75

Blaster Dimensions :: 69.0 cm (27.17 ") x 16.0 cm (6.3 ") x 34.0 cm (13.39 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber



1 ::

Yellow / White

Nozzle Information: 1 Nozzle Selector (3 settings) .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Smallest ::

8.0 m (26.25')

10.0 m (32.81')

11.0 mL/s (0.37 oz./s)



30.0 s

Middle Size ::

8.0 m (26.25')

10.0 m (32.81')

25.0 mL/s (0.83 oz./s)



16.0 s

Largest ::

9.0 m (29.53')

11.0 m (36.09')

46.0 mL/s (1.53 oz./s)



9.0 s


  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
  • Please reference if you use any information from any part of this website.

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iS SuperSoaker ss200_02tbOne of the largest blasters of its time, second only to the Super Soaker SS 300, the Super Soaker SS 200 was an awe-inspiring site on the soaker battle field. Equipped with over 2L of water and a half-liter firing chamber, this soaker could unleash a good deal of water faster and farther than most of its competition. The base frame of the SS 200 appears to be that of a Super Soaker SS 100. However, this blaster features a dual-reservoir system as well as a larger pressure chamber than the Super Soaker SS 100. The SS 200 was also the first soakers to feature multiple nozzle settings. The blaster has three nozzle settings labeled"I", "II", and "III" at the top of the barrel-end. The nozzle cover snaps into place for each nozzle setting. This allowed the SS 200 user to opt to conserve water when supplies were low or unleash a larger stream if needed. The SS 200 was also one of the first blasters to include a carry-strap (though its construction does not feel as sturdy as more modern blasters).

While generally out-classed by newer blasters, the Super Soaker SS 200 played a key role in the evolution of the water blaster. While not recommend for intense water fights (mainly due to fragility reasons), the SS 200 is still a good blaster and would be able to hold its ground in small to medium skirmishes.


Dual-reservoir extends this blaster's field lifetime. The top-mounted handle and strap make it simpler to carry. Pumping is smooth albeit a little slow due to the old-type pumping mechanism. Multiple nozzles allow the use to choose between conservation and power.


As one of the original Super Soakers designed, the overall frame feels much more flimsy than more recent blasters. It is not recommended to use the strap alone to carry the weight of it when fully-loaded. The nozzle-calibre and pump-rate are also much less than current soakers.

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 Product Listing Page | Super Soaker Product Evolution Tree 

Super Soaker Original / Classic Series

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Water Blaster: Basics | Care, Cleaning, and Storage | Soaker Use: Basics|Repair Articles|Separate Firing Chamber Tech Troubleshooting|Separate Firing Chamber Blaster Usage

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