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The Armoury Review :: Super Soaker XXP 175

.: Statistics measured at



Manufacturer: Larami Ltd. / now Hasbro Inc.

Class:  Air - Pressurized Reservoir

  Item Number: 9717-0
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 1995 / 1996
  Patents: 5,339,987
  Availability: No Longer Made


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 1000.00 g (35.34 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 1500.00 mL (50 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
  Pump Volume: Air Ratings .:

Power: 8

Range: 50

Encumbrance: 55

Ergonomics: 65

Capacity: 55

Overall: 65

Blaster Dimensions :: 52.0 cm (20.47 ") x 17.0 cm (6.69 ") x 21.0 cm (8.27 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber



1 ::

Purple / Grey

Nozzle Information: 2 (side-by-side) .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Dual ::

5.0 m (16.4')

7.0 m (22.97')

75.0 mL/s (2.5 oz./s)



5.0 s


  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
  • Please reference if you use any information from any part of this website.

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iS SuperSoaker xxp175_02tbThe Super Soaker XXP 175 was one of Larami Ltd.'s first attempts at making a multi-barrelled water blaster. The XXP 175 is basically two XPs slapped together with both water chambers being pressurized by the same pump. The pressure gauge on the top makes it simple to determine how much more pumping is needed before firing. However, being an old-style water reservoir, there is no separate firing chamber and it takes a fair number of pumps to get the blaster charged.

iS SuperSoaker xxp175_14tbIts size and balance, though, makes the XXP 175 a nice blaster to have. The blaster is almost as wide as it is tall. Both streams fire at relatively equal strength though one stream always seems to fire a little better than the other.

Being double-barrelled, the Super Soaker XXP 175 can effectively soak any one foolish enough to oppose. Its shape also adds to its intimidation factor. However, being based on the pressurized-reservoir system, it is not recommendable to go up against any CPS-based blasters with the XXP175 alone.


Mid-sized and easy to carry. Packs decent power for its size. The tank provides a respectable amount of water considering its rate of fire. The top-mounted pressure gauge allows the user to easily determine firing chamber pressure without having to tip the blaster on its side unlike the Super Soaker XP 110.


The water reservoirs are screw-on bottles which must be fastened securely. No separate firing chamber means a lot more pumps to power up the weapon. The XP-class nozzles are outclassed by all of the CPS-line of weapons.

:: Submitted Reviews

XXP 175 By The dark ANNIHILATOR | Posted: 20040215

Pumps = 10
Shot Time = 1.5/1.5X : 10 seconds
Mobility = 8
Construction = 7
Tank = 1.6L
Intimidation = 7
Overall Power = 6
Soakage = 30

Special features = Presure gauge, Dual nozzle

The XXP 175 is a small- medium sized soaker, released 1996. Its specialies is the shotgun design, due to the dual nozzle. Also, with the dual nozzle it has a good soakage for an Air Pressure Soaker its size. These qualities make the XXP 175 a good Air Pressure soaker choice for Water Warriors and Collectors.

Strengths =
- Good soakage for a small-medium sized Air Pressure soaker
- Low amount of Pumps
- Pressure gauge
- Long shot time till severe drop off
- Pumping and shooting at the same time for continuing shot

Weaknesses =
- Fragile pump can break when pumping to wildly
- No strap making carrying a second soaker difficult

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Water Blaster: Basics | Care, Cleaning, and Storage | Soaker Use: Basics|Repair Articles|Separate Firing Chamber Tech Troubleshooting|Separate Firing Chamber Blaster Usage

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