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The Armoury Review :: Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube

.: Statistics measured at



Manufacturer: Hasbro Inc.

Class:  Piston

  Item Number: A4842
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 2013 / 2014
  Availability: Few Stores


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 0.00 g (0 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 0.00 mL (0 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
  Pump Volume: 320 mL (10.67 fl.oz.) Ratings .:

Power: N/A

Range: N/A

Encumbrance: N/A

Ergonomics: 75

Capacity: 20

Overall: 70

Blaster Dimensions :: 35.0 cm (13.78 ") x 5.5 cm (2.17 ") x 13.0 cm (5.12 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber



Blue ::

Green / White / Orange

Orange ::

Blue / White / Orange

Nozzle Information: 1 .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Main ::








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The Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube is a new model for the 2014 Nerf Super Soaker line. It is a syringe-type piston-based blaster featuring a decent-sized nozzle, but no on-board reservoir. It is currently sold as two-packs, though this may change in the future. This is the first syringe-type water blaster under the Nerf Super Soaker brand, but is akin to the old Power Soaker Jr. Cannon (1993) and Power Soaker Water Cannon.

The Blaster ::

nerf_super_soaker_tidal_tube_box12_100Nozzle ::

The Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube features a relatively large diameter nozzle through which water is drawn in and subsequently expelled out. The size of the opening allows for a fairly thick, solid stream of water to be produced. However, its larger diameter also means that some water may dribble out when this blaster is loaded and shaken/jiggled (e.g. when running). While not a lot of water will be lost this way, were there a screen in place, this would have reduced or eliminated the chance of dribble significantly.

Pump ::

For all intents and purposes, the Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube is basically all pump. The pumping motion is smooth and a good amount of force can be applied to the grip and body in order to produce a well performing stream. However, as there is no additional reservoir, once all the water is pushed out, one must return to a filling station to reload.

nerf_super_soaker_tidal_tube_box13_100Grip ::

The grip areas on the pump shaft as well as on the pump rod are comfortable to hold, though the amount of texture on the forward portion is limited, thus some may find it harder to use as effectively is one's hands end up wet.

Overall ::

As a whole, the Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube is a basic, syringe-type pump-action water blater that requires an open-top exterior water source from which to refill. Its larger nozzle allows water to be drawn into the blaster fairly easily and yields a good, potent stream when compressing the pump. However, unless one is careful to only push partway when blasting, the Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube cannot easily produce multiple shots quickly. Moreover, once it is out of water, one will need to return to an open-top filling station to reload, thus limiting its usefulness away from any reliable water source. While its stream may rival a trule CPS-class blaster for a moment, its lack of on-board reservoir limits how far one can venture. As well, when filled, the extended inner pump-rod ends up exposed and is more prone to damage should one fall with it. Good for use near lakes and/or pools, the Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube offers good performance for a syringe-type water blaster, but is also limited due to its lack of internal water storage.


Nice styling, comfortable to hold even for its small size. Produces a solid, thick stream.


One, perhaps two good shots at best; attempting to get more shots per fill will significantly reduce the performance of each shot. No on-board reservoir. Larger-diameter nozzle may dribble to some degree.

Related Content .:

 Product Listing Page | Nerf Super Soaker Product Evolution Tree

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