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The Armoury Review :: Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire

.: Limited statistics measured at



Manufacturer: Hasbro Inc.

Class:  Piston

  Item Number: A9459
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 2014 / 2015
  Availability: Some Stores


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 946.00 g (33.43 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 1415.00 mL (47.17 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
  Pump Volume: N/A Ratings .:

Power: N/A

Range: N/A

Encumbrance: 50

Ergonomics: 70

Capacity: 50

Overall: 45

Blaster Dimensions :: 48.0 cm (18.9 ") x 7.5 cm (2.95 ") x 22.5 cm (8.86 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber




White / Blue
Orange / Blue

Nozzle Information: 1 .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Main ::








  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
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The Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire is a new model by Hasbro Inc. for the 2015 Nerf Super Soaker line. It is a pump-action water blaster that also features an ability to connect to a hose.

The Blaster ::

nerf_super_soaker_floodfire_box11_175Nozzle ::

The Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire features a single nozzle that is powered either by its on-board pump-action pump or by pressure from an attached hose. When not attached to a hose, streams will be produced per pump. When attached to a live hose, streams will be produced continually as the trigger is depressed.

nerf_super_soaker_floodfire_box04_175Pump ::

The Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire has a single, forward-mounted pump. While this pump is not easy to move while this item is in its packaging, it can be moved slightly. As such, some people who had found the Flood Fire in store tried pumping, then pulling the trigger, hearing a small puff of air released. As such, there were some initial thoughts that this was actually a pressurized blaster. However, this "puff" can be produced even when the reservoir cap is NOT on tightly. It actually turns out that the trigger must be pressed in order for this pump-action blaster to operate!

nerf_super_soaker_floodfire_box12_175Grip ::

The grip area on the Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire, akin to the current other Nerf Super Soaker models, appears to be well moulded and quite comfortable to hold. In this case, however, since this product is being kept in its original packaging, the actual feel of this particular grip was not fully tested.

nerf_super_soaker_floodfire_box13_175The Reservoir ::

The reservoir on the Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire holds a respectable amount of water. The reservoir cap is a standard screw-on type, though its opening is smaller than previous Super Soaker models.

nerf_super_soaker_floodfire_box06_175Additional Feature ::

As noted above, the Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire can also be connected to a standard garden hose. The hose attachment comes with a quick-release device and stream production is controlled by operating the trigger. Whether attaching to the hose can also fill the reservoir remains to be tested. Of course, why one would wish to turn an active hose connection and limit its output by attaching a water blaster with a smaller nozzle than typical hose nozzles is unclear.

Overall ::

As a whole, the Nerf Super Soaker Flood Fire is the first pump-action water blaster known that requires a trigger to also be pulled to operate. The advantage of being attached to a hose versus using the hose as is remains to be seen. As neither function of this particular water blaster model looks interesting enough to test further, this item is being left in its original packaging and no further testing is planned on it at this time.


Can shoot indefinitely when attached to a hose; sturdy build.


Can occupy an otherwise available hose; pump-action blasting requires trigger to be depressed.

Related Content .:

 Product Listing Page | Nerf Super Soaker Product Evolution Tree

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