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The Armoury Review :: Adventure Force Hydro Blitz

.: Statistics measured at



Manufacturer: Prime Time Toys

Class:  Piston

  Item Number: PTTH280-1016
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 2016 / 2017
  Availability: Some Stores


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 612.00 g (21.63 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 1650.00 mL (55 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
  Pump Volume: 17 mL (0.57 fl.oz.) Ratings .:

Power: 4

Range: 65

Encumbrance: 45

Ergonomics: 75

Capacity: 60

Overall: 70

Blaster Dimensions :: 43.0 cm (16.93 ") x 7.0 cm (2.76 ") x 18.5 cm (7.28 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber




Light Blue

Nozzle Information: 1 .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Main ::

6.5 m (21.33')

8.5 m (27.89')

34.0 mL/s (1.13 oz./s)



0.5 s


  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
  • Please reference if you use any information from any part of this website.

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The Adventure Force Hydro Blitz is a pump action water blaster under the Adventure Force brand made by Prime Time Toys Inc. The Adventure Force is one of Walmart's private-label product brands. However, as Walmart appears to have opted not to carry either Nerf Super Soaker nor Water Warriors-branded water blasters this year, I opted to pick up this as well as the Adventure Force Super Storm just to see how well they truly performed.

The Packaging .:

The Adventure Force Hydro Blitz comes in a open-style box that lets one see and feel most of the water blaster. However, while the nozzle is readily accessible, both the trigger grip region and the pump remain mostly obscured by the front panel. The trigger is accessible and moves (actually spring-loaded), though this is a pump-action water blaster. The blaster, itself, is held onto the box by two plastic ties. The rear panel of the box shows a full size view of the Hydro Blitz along with some additional diagrams denoting its various features. As can be seen, the plastic ties simply thread through holes punched into the box

Design .:
The Adventure Force Hydro Blitz has an interesting rounded-meets-angular-based design with a variety of textures and details on its various surfaces. Though having a large orange area on the front of the blaster, the Hydro Blitz only features a single nozzle. Nevertheless, the Hydro Blitz has a r well-sculpted pump grip. nicely textured trigger grip, and additional line and colour-break elements on its reservoir to prevent it from having a flat, overly plastic-y look. The words "Fueled by PT-DZ" appear on the side, but there is no explanation what this term might mean.

Build and Ergonomics .:
The Adventure Force Hydro Blitz is built from decent quality plastic and its additional texturing and details enhance its feel. Straight from its packaging, this water blaster feels sturdy and well-proportioned. The movable trigger is spring-loaded, but pointless. The pump moves smoothly back and forth. The biggest problem, though, is the Hydro Blitz's reservoir cap. Initially looking like a screw cap, it is actually a snap cap. While many pump-action water blasters only use snap caps to seal their reservoirs, the fact that this snap cap only features small protrusions around its rim makes it unclear how one is supposed to pop it open. The shortness of these protrusions also offers little space to gain enough leverage to actually open the cap. Moreover, for some reason, it is unclear when closing the cap to determine whether it is properly secure or not. There seems to be two levels of clicking into place, the first step will permit a lot of water to dribble out if a loaded Hydro Blitz is left on its side, but even the tighter second step will still allow more water than expected to dribble out between the seal. This reservoir sealing problem will likely result in a Hydro Blitz user getting unintentionally wet from water sloshing around in the reservoir during use.

Overall Performance .:

The Adventure Force Hydro Blitz is a pump-action water blaster providing expected performance for a water blaster in this class. Pumping is smooth, but the stream lamination of the Hydro Blitz tested was sub-par; it is unclear whether this is a problem of the item tested or a systemic problem for this model of water blaster. While poorer stream lamination would result in poorer effective range, most would still accept its general performance. Providing a nearly theoretical 100 blasts per full reservoir, the Adventure Force Hydro Blitz makes for a decent addition for those seeking a simple-to-operate water blaster. Of course, the Adventure Force Hydro Blitz is outclassed by larger pump-action water blasters and most pressurized water blasters, but remains a decent choice for casual water fights or small skirmishes.


Decent build; decent capacity for its size; easy to use


Pump-action performance; reservoir cap more difficult to open and not as effective when closing; because of semi-leaky reservoir cap, more difficult to carry around as a back-up water blaster without getting unintentionally wet.



Related Content .:

 Product Listing Page |Predicting Pump-Action Performance

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