Super Soaker Aqua Shock (AS) Series .:
For 2007, Super Soaker created a new name for their latest water blasters, now to be known as the Aqua Shock series. These blasters featured technologies from pretty much all the previous lines including Max-D trigger valves, CPS technology, and Max-Infusion technology. The term, Aqua Shock, was given as these blasters were given ratings according to their relative soaking power levels, rated on an arbitrary scale from 3.0 to 11.5. The Aquashock series contains 4 blasters: Sneak Attack (piston), Secret Strike (air pressure), Arctic Blast (CPS), and HydroBlitz (CPS).
Number of Records:4
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Super Soaker Sneak Attack (Aquashock Series)
Hasbro Inc. (2007, Piston )

Super Soaker Secret Strike (2007) (Aquashock Series)
Hasbro Inc. (2007, Air - Pressure Chamber)

Super Soaker Hydroblitz (Aquashock Series)
Hasbro Inc. (2007, Elastic - Bladder Combo )
Number of Records:4
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