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Information Water Warfare Why Do I Soak? - ANNIHILATOR 2 .:


Why soaking?

I live on a tower block,
And when I get bored,
I shout loudly at some passers by,
And when they look at me,
a SS300 blasts right into their eye!

Not bored at the moment,
SS300 pumped top notch,
Not bored at the moment,
Shot that dude right in the crotch,
Not bored at the moment,
He got a psychological dent,
Not bored at the moment,
He looked as if having a bladder accident,
Squirt! Squirt! Squirt!

Very often the laughs are quite light,
To battle an out of shape kid in a water fight,
He runs ten feet,
And he runs ten more,
He gets out of breath,
And throws up on the floor!

Not bored at the moment,
SS300 pumped top notch,
Not bored at the moment,
Shot that dude right in the crotch,
Not bored at the moment,
He got a psychological dent,
Not bored at the moment,
He looked as if having a bladder accident,
Squirt! Squirt! Squirt!

SS300 aims at the ear,
When they turn around it aims at the rear,
And after they tip over and land on the ground,
Landing on the dirt with a squishy sound,
While typing this I would like to eat at pizza hut,
I digress but anyways that squishy sound looks like but sure was NOT mud!

Not bored at the moment,
SS300 pumped top notch,
Not bored at the moment,
Shot that dude right in the crotch,
Not bored at the moment,
He got a psychological dent,
Not bored at the moment,
He looked as if having a bladder accident,
Squirt! Squirt! Squirt!

Not bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!
Squirt! Squirt! Squirt! Squishhhhhhh!

Posted: 20050729

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