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Information Max-D 6000 Quiz .:

The following is an image of a Max-D6000, released as part of the Max-D 2002 Super Soaker® series.

Image used with permission. Not for redistribution.

There is something not quite right with this picture. Can you tell what it is? For the full answer, drag and highlight the table below with your cursor.

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The Max-D6000 pictured above is made of wood and is painted. It is not an actual Super Soaker®, rather it is a prototype model. You can tell it is wood by looking at the pump area (no separation between the pump and the body), the pressure tanks (fused in the middle), the nozzle-selector tab area (missing tab), and the reservoir cap (also fused to the reservoir). Some will also point out that the actual Max-D6000s that can be found in stored have a differently shaped pump grip, looking more like the one found on the XP310. The pump grip is coloured black or yellow on the actual soaker. It is also missing the words "Super Soaker" engraved into the black area that covers part of the reservoir.

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