The ArmouryWater Blaster/Water Gun Review DatabaseTech/RepairsBattle / Water WarfareGeneral Information

Information Submissions / Contact Information .:

The following page outlines what forms of material will accept for submission and potential addition to this website. However, just to state the obvious, all submissions must be somehow related to water weaponry and/or water fights. Any material submitted containing racial slurs, hate, propaganda, discrimination and/or anything else finds offensive will NOT be accepted. reserves the right to refuse any submission with or without explanation. Submitted articles may be edited prior to posting for general spelling/grammar, etc.

Send all submissions and/or questions to:

Please indicate the content of the submission in the Subject Header of the email as well as the name/alias which the credit should go to. Unless otherwise requested, posted submissions will also include the author's email address as a way others can contact the author directly about their posts.

There are also a number of online forms for submitting reviews and/or articles using your browser:

More Information on Submission Types Outlined Below:

Advertising/Sponsorship/Sending in Product(s) to Review: is a non-profit page dedicated to providing visitors with an abundance of information on water weaponry. If you would like to help sponsor this site and/or have an advertisement placed on the site, please send me your requests and contact information in an email. Conditions and terms are negotiable.

Fan Battle / War Stories:

Fan stories written in English giving detail about any types of water fights the writer has either been involved in or has dreamed about can be submitted for review. Go into as much detail as possible, including info about weather, field conditions, mental state, etc. The more intense and exciting, the better! Stories submitted may be edited, but the overall style and story will remain untouched. Accepted stories are posted in the Stories, part of the Information Section.

Also see: Submit an Article online

Water Blaster Reviews:

Water blaster reviews of water blasters or others, either already reviewed here or not, will be looked at and posted if accepted. Feel free to go into as much detail about the water blaster being reviewed, including stats, general likes and dislikes, etc. Accepted reviews are posted in the Armoury Section along side the appropriate review.

Also see: Submit a Review online

Water Blaster Repairs:

Repair guidelines for water blasters will be looked at and posted if accepted. If a repair is being submitted, please ensure that an accurate description of how one can perform the repair is included as well as a potential trouble-shooting guide. Accepted repair's descriptions are posted in the Armoury Repair Section.

Also see: Submit an Article online

Tech Research:

Water-related tech developments will be posted so long as they do not involve modifying any water blaster. If a tech development description is being submitted, please ensure that an accurate description of how one can build the creation is included as well as a potential trouble-shooting guide. Accepted articles will be posted in the Armoury section.

Also see: Submit an Article online

Tips & Tactics:

Water-fight-related tips and tactics will be posted so long as they do not duplicate an already existing tips or tactic and are considered reasonable enough to be posted. Accepted articles will be posted under an appropriate subsection of the Information section.

Also see: Submit an Article online

Digital Images:

Digital images of water blasters which have been modified, are in use, in storage, etc will be looked at and posted if accepted. The more interesting the image, the more likely it will be posted. The digital image size may be reduced for the purpose of being web-friendly but the quality of the image will be preserved as much as possible. Please avoid sending image files larger than 200kb. Accepted images will be posted in their appropriate section/page.

Errors/Typos/Suggestions/Questions: is a rather large site, especially for one person to handle. As such, the odd typo, grammatical error, etc. may escape detection. There may also be, on the off-chance, inaccurate information posted (though we strive to prevent this from happening). Please inform us of any mistakes or oversights in any section of the site. Include the page name where the error occurs. If one has a suggestion on how the site can be improved, feel free to send the ideas along in an email. Also, if one has questions on any content on, we will do our best to address them.

Also see: Submit an Article online

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