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SC 400 Cross Section
Classification: SC | Type: LIGHT ASSAULT RIFLE/ SIDE-ARM

One thing odd about the Super Soaker SC 400's design is that Larami chose to use the old-style water reservoir which must be completely screwed off to fill as opposed to the newer-style reservoir as seen on the Super Soaker XP20 and Super Soaker XP40. As such, multiple water-fillings the long way (as opposed to using the Quick-Charge feature) resulted in excess strain being placed on the reservoir adapter. The outcome was the formation of hairline cracks at the top and bottom of the adapter which needed patching with epoxy.

During repair, the Super Soaker SC 400 needed to be completely opened to properly access the damaged part. The back pressure release valve cap, the pump shaft cap and the nozzle cover were gently pryed away from the plastic housing using a flat-head screwdriver. Next, all screws were removed and the casing of the Super Soaker SC 400 gently opened, trying not to disturb the inner workings. It was determined that the right side of the Super Soaker SC 400's casing is the one which can be easily removed without having the trigger's spring, pump hosing, etc. from coming out.

After this experience, I will no longer attempt filling the Super Soaker SC 400 by unscrewing the tank and simply use the Quick-Charge feature during water fights. If a small side-arm is required but a Charging stand is not available, I would recommend using an Super Soaker XP 20, Super Soaker XP 40, Super Soaker XP 70, Super Soaker SC 500 or similar blaster instead.

SC 400 Review


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