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Stories Hydro Brawl: Party Smasher - Battle Report - 04/21/07 @ 14:00

By: C-A_99


The guns and types used in the water war are described below and should help clarify the battle report. It's particuarly boring so if you want, go ahead and skip to the war. The report itself is fairly small, due to my inability to remember details. It took about 2-3 hours.

Methods of Soaking:

  • Piston powered - The first in water blasters, most were finger powered, and when the "pump" triggers were pushed, it would push out a few drops of water. Motorized systems were later developed, though both were fairly weak systems. The modern piston powered gun however, is designed larger and are typically able to push larger volumes of water. Range is typically dependent on how well the piston/pump is pushed. While they were available, no piston powered guns were used in the war due to the unavailability of the more powerful and practical ones.

  • Air pressurized reservoir - Typically used in super soaker pistols and small guns, air is pumped into a reservoir and pulling the trigger opens a valve, where the air decompresses and pushes the water out. A typically weaker design not used to push larger volumes of water, it also requires more pumping with larger reservoirs, and overall doesn't allow too much water to be used. Overall, the shot can be inconsistent as well as number of pumps, and the amount of water carried is very limited. Most pressurized reservoir guns are used as pistols and/or light sidearms. (with the exception of those who wish to use smaller guns) Also, no pressure can be stored when the gun is opened and being filled. However, pressurized reservoir systems can adapt to very tiny guns, alowing superior performance to squirt guns in a smaller gun.

  • Seperate air pressure - Water from a reservoir is pumped into seperate chambers, and compresses the air inside. A prime-pumping technique is typically used, where more air is pumped in, providing a more consistent shot and reducing dropoff significantly. (dropoff is when the shot starts to weaken when there's lessp ressure) Air can be pumped in when the intake hole/tube is not submerged.

  • CPS - The most popular designs in both stock and homemade blasters, it typically works by pumping water from a reservoir into a balloon-like rubber chamber (similar to seperate air pressure, but different means of pressurization), and CPS guns have very little dropoff, providing a very consistent shot. With CPS, whether it's 2 pumps or 20, the power of the shot stays nearly the same. Most of the CPS line have straps, with the strange exception of the CPS 2100

Below is a listing of all the blasters used in the war. Click on the name to read the iSoaker review.

Name: Description
CPS 2700 My weapon of choice, this cannon has excellent range and capacity. The standard 2700 has 3 nozzles, a 2x, 5x, and 10x. (which is about correspondent to 2mm, 5mm, and 10mm, though I'm not really sure how this output/nozzle size system is used) However, I 3/8 drilled the 2x nozzle earlier, and itworks particularly well in close range battle, but at further ranges, any air in the shot (which is fairly common) will throw it off and just make the shot a bit of a waste of water. Because of this, and to save water and pressure, I used the 10x nozzle most of the time. While the design may not be the best, the capacity is very nice, with a pressure chamber almost 1L and with a 4L reservoir. When both are filled, it's pretty heavy but contains well over a gallon of water. Even so, it runs out after some time. The pump is oddly angled but still does the job. It is a free pump, in which durability can be a concern, but they move faster and have more direct pushing than tracked pumps.
CPS 2500 A fairly popular cannon, it's pretty much a slightly weaker 2000, but the rest is virtually the same, with exception to the nozzle selector, which offers a selection of 5x, 10x, and 20x, 10x still being the most efficient and effective. Like the CPS 2000, a built-in pressure gauge is in part of the gun, and is based off of the expansion of the rubber tubing that expands inside. Using a tracked pump, this gun holds slightly less than the CPS 2700.
CPS 2000 The first CPS weapon that came out, the original (mkI) had a longer pressure gauge and larger pressure chamber, but in the mkII, the pressure chamber was adjusted and doesn't push out as much water as the first. However, the power was fairly consistent throughout the change. Later on, the 2500 was made, being less powerful (but nonetheless very similar to) the CPS 2000 mkII. A nozzle selector was also added. The CPS 2000's nozzle is estimated to be at 25x-30x for output, and is definately better than the 2500's 20x nozzle.
CPS 1000 A medium sized CPS made later, it has a 5x stream and slightly less capacity than the cannons, but nonetheless is still a very effective CPS weapon. The range is slightly less but still effective, and the pump is very easy, yet provides a lot of power. It is a free pump instead of a tracked pump.
CPS 1200 Very similar to the 1000, the handle is slightly better, and the capacity is barely larger. The pump however, is a bit more stiff and sluggish, without providing any more power.
CPS 2100 Along the same lines with the CPS 1000 and 1200, this weapon has a tracked pump. The reservoir holds just enough to fill a 2L bottle, while the pressure chamber is also slightly smaller. The power is around the same, and though it lacks a strap (one of the few guns on the CPS line to not have a strap), it is still a very effective weapon.
Flash Flood First released in 2005, it was the best gun to have come around ever since the quality of available soakers started to take a sharp plunge in 2002-2003. While no way near the quality of the original CPS guns, this weapon is more compact, though obviously has a smaller reservoir and pressure chamber. However, it still utilizes the same pressurization method used in the CPS line, and packs a kick. While the range isn't very good, the riot blast from the Flood nozzle is excellent at close ranges and can do a good soaking.
Super Charger 400 An air pressurized reservoir gun, this one has a fairly small capacity and a threaded reservoir (like a bottle). Serving well as a sidearm, it's easy to conceal. While the threaded reservoir means refills take longer, the gun is also a part of the super charger series, where a quick-fill device is attached to a hose and any gun that supports the device can quicky refill and pressurize through the quickfill device. (such guns include the super charger series itself, the monster series, and a CPS 3200, a backpack CPS cannon, though the quick fill system will not pressurize, only fill for the 3200)
Max-D 5000 Another air pressurized reservoir gun, this is part of the first series to use Max-D triggers, a newer trigger system that allows for more direct flow of water from it's pressure source. This is one of the highest-capacity pressurized reservoir guns, and overall works as a decent sidearm.
Oozniator First of all, I only got this because it was just $6. It's also a pressurized reservoir gun, with rather decent stream performance, but for it's size and weight, the capacity is pretty low. (less than the Max-D 5000's) The lower part of the Oozinator provides a feed for Ooze canisters, some stuff you buy at the stores that allows the Oozniator to shoot some slimy material. (which only cleans well when dry) The Ooze is piston powered, though a lot of unused ooze cannot be fired due to design. The canisters can be filled with water, but it is a slightly difficult process.
Arctic Shock A low ranged, fairly weak air pressure gun with a seperate firing chamber (which is pretty small), this gun typically comes with an ice core, though ice cubes should work better to cool the water. The reservoir has an interesting design, where it's seperated into 2 portions, with a lower portion for the ice core.
XP215 One of the smallest pistols around, it uses a pressurized reservoir system, and holds about a quarter of a pint. However, it is much more powerful that squirt guns of similar size, and is very good for it's size overall. Not too useful in most battles, however, but definately better than the squirt guns.
Storm pistol (full name and review unavailable) This pistol, while it's pump is short, has a fairly solid design, with a stream that stings. While I haven't really used one, the design is fairly small and fits into most pockets. Operated by pressurized reservoir, it works fairly well.
CPH (name to be decided later) A Constant Pressure Homemade (CPH) not used in the war for strange reasons, I built this a few months ago, and most of it is finished. While a backpack still needs to be created, the pressure chamber, pump, etc. are fully functional. The design is lacking a trigger due to the nature of the plumbing valve systems, and due to the low quality of drilled, custom nozzles (something I hope to fix later with premade nozzles), most of my CPS's outrange this gun so far. The pump is fairly long (much longer than any soaker), but it leaks if it's pulled out too far. (the PVC diameter seems to be inconsistent) Super Soaker Central, as well as many other water war sites have info on building homemades.
WBL (name to be decided later) A homemade PVC Water Balloon Launcher (WBL), this can actually launch anything that fits in its 3" PVC barrel. The most powerful of my homemades so far, it can blast many things about 400ft or so away. However, no accurate testings have been made yet, and no successful water balloon strikes have ever been done. Based off of a popular inline WBL design, a valve is closed and a large tank with a tire valve sticking out, is hooked to a bike pump or air compressor. 80PSI is generally the limit (as you don't need more, and never go above 120PSI), but so far I have only used around 50PSI (still very effective though). The air tank's air releases when a valve is opened, shooting the projectile out of the barrel. A pringles can or some other kind of wadding has to be used so all the air pushes on the whole unit instead of going to the side. The tire valve is still a very slight bit leaky.
Aquapack Simply a capacity enhancing item used in Max-Infusion compatible guns, such as the 2006 versions of the Arctic Shock or Flash Flood, there are 2 versions, a 50oz and a 100oz pack, neither of which provide very much water for a backpack.
Hose The refill and turret of the bases, most hoses do not shoot as far as most CPS weaponry, but has the obvious advantage of continuous firing.

Getting Prepped

The day before, April 20th, me and a friend simply did some water balloon filling, then did the rest of the balloons with dad later. Not much else, just some random preperations, etc. Yes, my actual birthday was about 2 weeks ago, but I didn't want to have the party during the break as probably less people would come.

Woke up at about 8, ate breakfast, and did a quick rubber band repair on the CPS 2100; simply opened it up and stretched on another rubber band (there was already one there earlier) on the trigger so it opens and closes properly. After a bit of other stuff, I had a dental appointment. Picked up some food on the way back, and then did setup of defense positions, launcher testing, etc. Later, the doorbell range. After a few came, we settled the stuff inside and went out. Waiting for others outside, they too came and put their stuff inside.

Ready to Fire

The teams and guns were arranged, and the pre-battle setup, etc. wasn't too much trouble, with the typical exception of Mike getting a 2500 and making threats to the rest of us. The teams were arranged. On ASS (Aquatic aSsault Squad) was me, Kevin, Austin, James E, and Eric. Sigma defense group was Kevin and James, while Omega offense was me, Austin, and Eric. The other team (didn't have a name) was Mike, Frank, Chris, Edmund, David, and James T. (5vs6, 5 on ASS) With the guns, everyone's would get put together (with the majority being my guns), and then distributed a bit. Didn't seem to work that well, but whatever, not many people actually provided their own guns anyway.

The battle positions actually seemed to switch around a bit. Before the other team went to their base (which was Frank's house), they forgot their water balloons, and turns out we had more CPS weaponry than they did. The guns actually got switched around a lot due to some weapon grabbing and stealing (which I will stop with rules on the next war, the crazniness and chaos with people wrestling and trying to get each other's guns busted my 1000's strap). For some reason, no one wanted to do CTF until later, so we start off with an undefined war: no goals, no definate end, etc. (another thing I will eradicate next battle) As usual, water bottles (for reloading) were starting to get scathered around. The process of filling and priming the guns took a while too. When that was just finally over with, Mike, Frank, and Chris show up at our base. Their usual annoying bootlegging of our stuff had begun, but we (tried to) make sure no guns would get taken. Whichever ones were taken, me and Eric got some back. (Eric did a pretty damn good job too, taking water dumps, face shots, etc. to get our stuff back) Mostly, we just went back and fourth between the bases, retreating when needing to refill. This time, I wouldn't be able to safely refill at Frank's. I was first carrying a 2700 and 1000 but later dropped the 1000 due to the weight, which was pretty bad each time I refilled. In most engagements, we would maintain a distance, firing away at each other, though I did get some head on face shots from Mike. (which I was able to dodge and strike back a few times) Their tactics were to use numbers to get those who wandered off on their own, and to steal our cover and set up positions, and seemed to have done a fairly good job at preventing us from flanking them. When we would be back at our base, the refilling was usually fairly quick, while the hose was always ready to attack at anyone who came too close. However, though I never touched one myself, I think the use of water balloons was too liberal, and we ran out rather quick. Before we did however, I got pretty annoyed and wanted to attack them at long range, so I got out the launcher, and a group of 3 pressurized and loaded it. However, many of them had already came near our base. The balloons we launched would either pop or not really go anywhere, whether we tried to hit their base or at the group coming at us. At around 50 PSI, we simply launched into the air instead of directly. (well duh)

Later, we get sick of the same thing over and over. (attack their base, retreat and refill, and attack again) We call to do CTF and they agree, so I get the pringles cans (flags) and give one to their team. We hid them, and when they came, they couldn't expect where it was at all, thinking it'd be in the heart of the defensive. (which was the last structure they haven't stolen, until later) Austin makes a run through the sidewalks (instead of right through the field) and gets to their base while most of them are at our's. He maintains cover pretty well too, especially since whatever defense was there wasn't able to notify the rest. Unfortunately, the flag was never found, and then he retured to the ASS base. Later on, Mike complains about the game mode, and apparently he didn't hear me say "no hits will be counted unless the flag is carried". Later, we quit and wanted to go in, so it basically ended in a draw. (though it wasn't very well defined in the first place, even after we did CTF)


Getting in was somewhat annoying, having to move stuff, get things ready, change, etc. It was about 4-5ish, and afterward we just set up a 360, the GCN, and the comps. Most of the post-battle activities got somewhat boring, with just one 360 and no one on the laptops wanting to play anything. (except Mike and Kevin playing A&A) Of course, the food gets set up later; pizza and the birthday cake. While playing, James E takes some of the balloons in the weapons lab I was going to use for K-modding and blows them up; they were pretty big too. (many of which I popped with a screwdriver later lol) At about 20:00, some people start to leave, and we shut down halo and the 360. Played some MoH later, then the rest of them left.

Overall, the water war was fairly nice. Dispite the lack of organization, I've never had that many players before, nor that many CPS weaponry available. Just a reflection, however, of the bigger war I'm planning in May, Memorial Day weekend.

Posted: 20070422

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