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Stories Battle at the beach house

By: rbertaut44

It was a cloudless Sunday, around noon, on the 12 of June 2007.  It was the last day we were to spend at the beach house in Ventner, New Jersey.  I was trying to get my sister Clara, her friend Lorain, and my friend Oleg to come battle with me.  The teams would be Oleg and Scott Vs. Clara and Lorain.

Round 1

about 12:30
Me and my friend Oleg were outside filling our guns.  I had my Aquashock Hydro Blitz and he had a tiny double barreled squirt gun, which wasn't that affective but the small shots were tickle-ish.  (Vary annoying)  So I finally got the girls off the video games, "girls come on out you said you'd play yesterday," I said.
"No we didn't," my sister said.
"It's my game any way!!!" I yield
A#&ing!  F%&@ing!  B*&%ing! girls!  I thought.  "Girls you got two minutes!"
Thank you mom, I thought.  I came back out side to Oleg, "my mom's making them come in two minutes," I said rolling my eyes.  Clara came out with cloths on and refused to battle, and Lorain came out grabbed my Sheald Blaster 3000 and when the battle started, got freaked when Oleg shot her with a squirt gun,  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" she screamed
I shot her with a flash flood from my Hydro Blitz.  She dropped my sheald blaster and ran into the house.  "Chicken!!!" I shouted.
"Oleg, why don't we just battle each other?" I said.
"Ok," he said.  We started battling He started using the sheald blaster.  We were chasing each other around the mini van in the drive way.  I was coaching him, like It's called a sheald blaster for a reason, "just block the opponents blasts and run them out of water."
He started using that tactic and ran my 101 once tank of water out.  Then I told him, "block my way to the re-fill spot."
My gun still shot mist shots and he ran from me and left a path to the refill spot, "What are you doing you left the refill spot open!"
I decided lets both refill  We kept battling in till we went to the beach two blocks away.

1/2 Time

We loaded up the wagon with sand toys and boggy bards.  (Serf boards you lay on)  and went down to the beach  Oleg dug a huge hole, as me, Clara and Lorain road the waves.

1/2 Time, 1/2 Time

Me and Oleg got Choco Taco ice cream bars from the ice cream man.

Back to 1/2 Time


We all went back to what we were doing before

"Hi dad it's Scott, When should we be home?"
"In about 15 minutes"
"Ok thanks bye."

I finally got Oleg to try boggy boarding.  He loved it and we ended up staying for another hour.

Round 2

I finally got my sister to play but now Oleg and Lorain were playing video games.  My sister using the sheald blaster just blocked untill I was out of ammo and then blasted me.  "She kinda kicked my but," I said to Oleg and Lorain
(She's like a first timer to!)  Finally they came out.  It was Clara with my sheald blaster, Lorain with Oleg's squirt gun, Vs. Oleg with my 2 in 1 storm blaster and me with my hydro blitz.  We battled untill about 7:30.

We had pizza.

We left for the 3 1/2 hour car ride, which with traffic we got home around 2:30 am.

Posted: 20070621

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