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Stories Battle Story: June 21st, 2009

By: steelboot.

1v1 OHK Best of Five Rounds

Me: XP 270

Bob (real name withheld by request): XP 270

Round 1

I guess this wasn’t really that fair because I ran to the high ground (an elevated front yard) while Bob was filling. Any ways, this was the shortest round. He couldn’t find me, though I was only feet from him, behind a bush, and then I shot him. 1-0

Round 2

As we play on the streets, skill is defined by speed and accuracy, not stealth and hiding. After a few minutes of cat and mouse, and a few missed shots from both sides, I charged Bob while evading his inaccurate shots and easily hit him after about three shots out of my XP 270. 2-0

Round 3

This one took awhile. I crept behind Bob’s house and stayed there for at least five minutes. When I heard him coming, I accidentally jumped and blew my cover. Bob is a slower runner than me, but I was wearing crocs compared to his Nikes. After being chased around the neighbourhood for what seemed like forever by a guy with a water gun (people turned and stared, much to our embarrassment), I was finally hit by one tiny speckle of water. 2-1

Round 4

Immediately after refilling (both of us did), I ran as fast as I could and, when he wasn’t looking, ducked behind a neighbour’s bush for cover. I eventually made my way behind an enormous SUV. I could see him turning his head in different directions, looking for me, through the windows of the car. I waited for a few minutes, and then he started wandering towards the SUV. I jumped out, pulled and held the trigger for the entire shot time of my blaster. 3-1 win for steelboot!


I didn’t particularly enjoy this war. It did pressure Bob and me to use cover more efficiently, but I find OHK isn’t too good in open places. It would be much more exciting playing in a forest, where you can’t see your opponent, where every step you take is a risk, where you always have to keep your head up. So, by the end of the summer, I plan to organize an OHK game in a forest or creek. Much more exciting. For now though, I think I’ll stick to soakfests.

Posted: 20090807

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