Overall Game Objective(s):
Soak your Opponents, Score-Based, and/or Elimination |
Number of Players | Distribution:
- Number of Players / Participants :: 2
- Distribution :: 1 vs. 1
Hit / Scoring Mode | Recommended Hit / Scoring Method
(Recommended / Required):
- Hit / Scoring Mode :: Soakfest || Hit-based, Finite Lives || Hit-based, Infinite Lives || Hit-based, Elimination
- Hit / Scoring Method (Recommended / Required) :: Any
Time Limit:
5 minutes to 30 minutes per round; total number of rounds may vary depending on energy |
Battle / Playing Field Size (Recommended / Required) | Specific Environment (Recommended / Required):
- Battle/Playing Field Size (Recommended / Required) :: Any; Small (baseball diamond/in-field area - ~8100 sqft = ~0.18 acres) recommended
- Specific Environment (Recommended / Required) :: Any
End Game (optional):
If playing a score-based game and Players are tied at the end of all the rounds, a Sudden Death match should be played; first Player hit based on the Hit / Scoring Method is eliminated and the other is declared the ultimate winner |
Special Requirements (optional):
N/A |
Specific Details and Rules:
A simple elimination or purely recreational game that only requires two Players. Rules for this type of game are very flexible, but typically consist of having no-physical contact between players and focusing on drenching one's opponent. Specific rules regarding whether refills are allowed, whether scoring is tracked, type of blasters to use, etc. are easily agreed upon between both Players. A draw may occur during a round if both Players run out of water and no refilling was declared prior to the start of the game.
Dueling is a great way to practice for larger Free-for-All battles and also help with Team battles, though in duels, many Team tactics are not possible simply due to the limited number of participants. |