Overall Game Objective(s):
Special Objective(s): Survival |
Number of Players | Distribution:
- Number of Players / Participants :: Any || 20 to 30 (recommended) / 3 (minimum needed) / 60 (maximum recommended) || Referee(s) optional, 1 referee for every 10 players recommended
- Distribution :: Variable Teams with 1 or 2 Players starting off as Seekers
Hit / Scoring Mode | Recommended Hit / Scoring Method
(Recommended / Required):
- Hit / Scoring Mode :: Soakfest + Hit-based, Elimination/Conversion
- Hit / Scoring Method (Recommended / Required) :: Honor-Based - Any Notable/Visible Hit (based on sight) || Honor-Based - Any Notable Hit (based on feel) || Honor-Based - Palm-sized / Fist-sized Mark || Honor-Based - Semi-Quantitative Hit / Substantialization Method System || Tag Device - Pinned Target(s) / Tag(s) || Tag Device - Electronic Target(s) recommended
Time Limit:
1 hour to 3 hours recommended; optimal time depends on size of playing field and total number of Players |
Battle / Playing Field Size (Recommended / Required) | Specific Environment (Recommended / Required):
- Battle/Playing Field Size (Recommended / Required) :: Any || Large (multi-acre park) recommended, but defined borders highly recommended
- Specific Environment (Recommended / Required) :: Any
End Game (optional):
N/A |
Special Requirements (optional):
Respawning points for Seekers |
Specific Details and Rules:
Players begin by drawing straws / rolling dice, etc. to decide who starts the game as a Seeker. It is advisable to have no more than 1 starting Seeker for every 10 Players.
At the start of the game, the Seekers must give the other Players a minute to 5 minute head start. The goal of the Players is to remain uncaught while the goal of the Seekers are to catch as many escaped Players as possible. If a Player is hit by a stream of water, that Player then joins the Seeker group. On the other hand, if a Seeker is hit, that Player must return to the starting point before continuing play.
Seekers win if all Players are converted. The escaped Players win if at least one Player remains un-tagged by the end of the time limit. |