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Water War / Water Warfare :: General Guidelines

To be an iSoaker Rogue member, you must:

1) be at least 13 years old and have an active iSoaker Forum account (for access to the Rogue Forums);
2) have a true love of water blasters and water warfare;
3) strive to promote the safe, fun use of water weaponry,
4) use water weaponry solely to soak and protect; never to harm or damage anyone or anyone's property;
5) respect the beliefs, values, and privacy of other Rogue members and the Rogue membership sections;
6) respect the fact that a variety of individuals access the Rogue pages (i.e.keep posts/submissions appropriate for a wider age-group consisting of both genders and various beliefs);
7) use the Rogue Forums primarily for water blaster/water warfare discussion;
8) avoid racist, sexist, overtly religious, or any potentially discriminatory remarks;
9) assist with development of for the positive promotion and evolution of water weaponry and water warfare; and
10) soak on as often and as best as possible!

:: How to Apply

NOTE: The Rogue Group is currently in stasis. As such, no applications are being accepted at this time.

To be considered for Rogue Group membership, you must have an active Forum account as well as a working email account.  You must have made at least one acceptable submission to before acceptance will be considered (i.e. at least a water blaster review, a battle report, a water story, an article, and/or water-warfare-related pictures, drawings, etc.).  Send a message from the email account used to register your Forum alias with the subject "Rogue Group Application" (this is to verify your identity).  From there, you will be sent a listing of Rogue Requirements email which needs to be read, understood, and agreed to under a personal oath of honour.  Upon receiving a statement agreeing to the rules, you will then be sent an Acceptance email and your Forum alias will be upgraded accordingly.

:: Some Common Questions and Concerns

Q. What is special about joining the Rogue Group?
A. Becoming a Rogue Member will grant you access to forums and pages not accessible by the public.  Members will also be involved more directly with various projects and inner developments.  Rogue Group Members also receive a personalized membership card (electronic format).

Q. If I don't actively promote water warfare in my neighborhood/community, am I still eligible to become a Rogue Member?
A. By becoming a member, it is hoped that you will contribute when time allows to various projects the Rogue Group is undertaking.  By assisting with project development, you will be helping the promotion of water warfare, even if you do not do much water warfare or water war promoting in real life.

Q. I currently run a soaker-related website.  Does this result in a conflict of interest regarding pre-launch information knowledge?  Can I use information/ideas I find out about in the Rogue section for my own site?
A. Someone can definitely be a webmaster at another water-warfare-related website and still be an iSoaker Rogue Member so long as they respect and honour the Rogue Group guidelines.  No ideas or information from the Rogue section should be made public without the prior consent from both the member who may have posted it as well as myself.  If you felt that you had a particular idea before it was posted, but had not implemented it on your own site yet, to avoid questions regarding sincerity, it would be best to discuss in the Rogue section similar plans you intend for your own site and expected launch date of the changes.  If a member is feared to simply be leeching ideas from the Rogue Group, their membership will be terminated.

Q. I am currently 12 (or younger), but really want to be a Rogue Member.  Can I join?
A. If you are 12 (or younger), you should not have an account on the Forums, thus you cannot be accepted as a Rogue Member.  This is done for your safety.  Please try to understand and try applying once you turn 13.

Q. What is the difference between a Key Member and a Rogue Member?
A. 'Key Members' is a special title I give to those who have done something special for Soakerdom. 'Key Membership' cannot be applied for; it is simply given to those who have done great things for the site and/or Soakerdom in general. 'Rogue Member' is something a little different. To be a 'Rogue Member', one must undergo an application process. However, I am selective on who can become a 'Rogue Member' and just because someone applies does not guarantee acceptance.

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