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Water War / Water Warfare Super Charger System Blaster Usage .:


Sample blasters:
SC500, SC600, SC Power Pak, Monster XL

Firing Angle Limitations

With the exception of the SC400 and SC:Triple Charge, all Super Charger blasters are based on the CPS-firing chamber system. As such, most Super Chargers do not have any firing angle limitation. They are, however, still limited on their filling angle when pumping (with the exception of the SC Power Pak and SC Big Trouble).

Pump It! Charge It!

The advantage SC-class blasters have over all other Super Soakers® is ease of fill if there is an active hose-QFD nearby. The QFD hooked up to a hose allows the entire SC-blaster to be filled and pressurized (firing chamber and reservoir) by simple inserting the blaster's filling adapter into the QFD. If a QFD and hose are not available, most SC-blasters can be filled from a tap and simply pumped like a typical Super Soaker® with the exception of the SC:Power Pak and SC:Big Trouble. The QFD allows one to fill and get back into the fray faster than those who have to fill their reservoirs first, then pump to charge. Just beware of the overfill valve position, otherwise one will find oneself very wet very quickly once the blaster reaches maximum capacity.

Keep the Monsters in Line

If one is the proud and lucky owner of a Monster-class SuperCharger, be sure to use its specialized QFD for quick-fills and avoid using the old-QFDs or the 2-way QFDs which come with smaller SC-blasters such as the SC400:2000 Ed. or SC:Triple Charge. Fact is, Monsters are much heavier than the typical SC-class blaster and will damage the non-reinforced QFDs used by the other SC-blasters. (This has been determined from use). The Monsters' QFDs are reinforced around the blaster adapter to accomodate the extra weight. Of course, other SC-class blasters can also use the Monster's QFD to recharge.

Maximizing Use

Since most SC blasters have a separate pressurized firing chamber versus the water reservoir, one way to get an extra shot is to fill the tank first, pump to fill the firing chamber, then top off the tank. This will give one extra full burst, a definite plus especially considering how fast one can empty the blaster due to their increased firing rate.
Like CPS-class blasters, some air may end up within the firing chamber when filling, resulting in a frothy stream when firing. To reduce/eliminate unwanted air from the firing chamber, pump up the chamber, point the SC directly up, shake, and fire until a nice, solid stream is produced. This primes the blaster for use.

Cheap Trick: If one is almost out of water and is being pursued, one can fill the firing chamber with water, then unscrew the reservoir's cap and shake the blaster upside-down as if to say that one is out of ammo. If one's foes are a little too presumptuous, they will approach you without fear which is when you can, surprise, unleash a full burst of water onto them. Unfortunately, this trick usually does not work for veteran water warriors or those who have already seen it done.

Conserve Water

SC-based blasters can use up their water quite quickly. As such, one can easily empty one's entire water reservoir before those air-pressure based systems finish squeezing off a second shot. Definitely avoid using full firing chamber bursts unless the soak is guaranteed. If applicable, switch to a lower nozzle setting when one's water reservoir is running low.

Posted: 19990622 | Page Last Updated: 20040115

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