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The Armoury Review :: Super Soaker 100

.: No notable statistics currently available



Manufacturer: Larami Corp.

Class:  Air - Pressure Chamber

  Item Number: 9933-0
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 1990 / 1991
  Availability: No Longer Made


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 626.00 g (22.12 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 1500.00 mL (50 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: 230.00 mL (7.67 fl.oz.)
  Pump Volume: 14 mL (0.47 fl.oz.) Ratings .:

Power: N/A

Range: N/A

Encumbrance: 50

Ergonomics: 75

Capacity: 60

Overall: 60

Blaster Dimensions :: 66.5 cm (26.18 ") x 10.0 cm (3.94 ") x 29.0 cm (11.42 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber



1 ::

White / Orange

Nozzle Information: 1 .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Main ::








  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
  • Please reference if you use any information from any part of this website.

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Picture provided by ZOCCOZ. Used with Permission.

The Super Soaker SS 100 was released shortly after the Super Soaker SS 50 and was the first air-pressure water blaster to feature a separate compression chamber. However, reports from individuals who have owned or used this weapon suggest that the SS 100 was rather flimsy and prone to damage. Unfortunately, a fully working Super Soaker SS 100 is unavailable for review. Thus, little is known about its performance, durability, etc.





:: Submitted Reviews

By: JPT | Posted 20080801

Manufacturer: Larami Ltd.
Item Number:9933-0
Soaker Name:ss100
Length:67 cm
Width:9.5 cm
Height:27 cm

Pressurization System:Air Pressure
Reservoir Volume:1500 mL
Pressure Chamber Volume:400 mL
Pump Volume:20 mL

Number of Nozzles:1

Range (level): 9 m
Range (45): 11 m

Both measured from nozzle, not from the point where I was standing.
keep in mind, the nozzle is at a level of about 1.80 m when the soaker
is held in a normal shooting position at 45°

Output is hard to measure.
over 5 seconds it was 20 to 25 ml/s
with max pressure (= in the first second) it may be more.

Shot time:
After 15 seconds the range dropped to half (~ 5m) at 45°
After 30 second (in all) the pressure was completely gone.

how I calculated the other figures:
pump volume:
the pipe is about 1/2" in diameter.
The path the pump travels is 16 cm.
so we have r*r*pi*h = 0.635*0.635*3.1416*16 = 20.27 ml

Review: I guess this is a very important model in history of soakers...
But I bought it together with a XP 150. You can imagine, the SS100 was no match for it. But on the other hand, the range of the SS100 is much greater. And your water lasts forever. Building up pressure? Forget it. You have to pump about 500 times to get pressure. And this was the case from the first day. The pump volume is very low, and I believe the pump is not very good, so you cannot build a pressure anywhere near the XP 150. Last weekend I battled an XP 270... Well, my opponent did not stand a chance, until he realized to better hide behind a solid fence. The material of the soaker feels cheap. But nothing did break yet. The XP 150 is in a worse state.

By: George | Posted: 20080707

Manufacturer:Hasbro Inc.
Pressurization System:Air Pressure
Number of Nozzles:1

Review:This was a fantastic weapon.  It shot far and had excellent handling.

The real key to its success however was that the pressure chamber's fitting was identical in size to a standard lawn hose!  You could unscrew the tank and screw in a hose.  Once you turned on the hose, you could pull the trigger and have an incredible and unexhaustable stream of water, all without pumping!  If you had a long enough hose, you could run around the lawn with a stream that was much more powerful and with a lot longer range than any handheld soaker.  I have a lot of fun memories clobbering my sibling and friends with this soaker.  If you have a working one, try it out!

Review By Rocky | Posted: on 20010610

This was my first Super Soaker!

The SS 100 is a good blaster, but I didn't see any difference in the stream-size or water or distance between the SS 100 and the SS 50. One difference though, it is two times heavier than the SS 50. It also looked intimidating and its price was quite intimidating, too. 40 loons! You could buy a Monster with that kind of money!

Yep, Super Soakers weren't cheap back then. If you were to use a SS 100 after using an XP/CPS, etc you'd feel the difference. The blaster feels flimsy. The blaster leaks. The blaster doesn't feel properly proportioned. You'd look at the stream-size and distance and see how wimpy it is.

My suggestions are the following.

1. Don't use this blaster for (modern) major outdoor water fights. Use it only if you are fighting people with XP 220s or XP 240s.
2. Don't be fooled by its looks. Just because it has a separate compression tank doesn't mean it could wipe out a CPS.
3. Do carry a backup/sidearm with you. You'd need it.

Although there are many bad aspects about this blaster, there are a few good things about the SS 100. It camouflages pretty well. It's intimidating. And it earns a place in collectors case.

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Water Blaster: Basics | Care, Cleaning, and Storage | Soaker Use: Basics|Repair Articles|Separate Firing Chamber Tech Troubleshooting|Separate Firing Chamber Blaster Usage

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