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The Armoury Review :: Super Soaker 50

.: Statistics measured at



Manufacturer: Larami Corp.

Class:  Air - Pressurized Reservoir

  Item Number: 9929-0
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 1989 / 1991
  Patents: D.318,309
  Availability: No Longer Made


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 340.00 g (12.01 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 730.00 mL (24.33 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
  Pump Volume: Air Ratings .:

Power: 1

Range: 60

Encumbrance: 40

Ergonomics: 70

Capacity: 30

Overall: 60

Blaster Dimensions :: 49.0 cm (19.29 ") x 8.0 cm (3.15 ") x 24.0 cm (9.45 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber



1 ::

White / Orange

Nozzle Information: 1 .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Main ::

5.0 m (16.4')

8.0 m (26.25')

10.0 mL/s (0.33 oz./s)



30.0 s


  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
  • Please reference if you use any information from any part of this website.

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My first true water blaster!

iS SuperSoaker ss50_02tbOnce one of the most feared weapons on the water-front, the original Super Soaker SS 50 was a "MUST-HAVE" for any water-weapon enthusiast. Based on the air-pressurized reservoir system, its water use-to-supply ratio is excellent since its nozzle opening is quite small. Fully pumped, one could achieve a decent range. However, the pumping mechanism is not as sturdy as newer blasters, the water reservoir has a tendency to dribble at the connection, and all water can not be used due to the design of the water intake from the reservoir. Despite this, the SS 50 still reigned supreme in the time of primarily pump-action and battery-powered water blasters.

The Super Soaker SS 50 can still provide a decent back-up weapon when one's larger assault weapon runs out of juice. It is also a good training weapon for smaller children and a decent loaner (to friends you want to soak BADLY with your higher class water weaponry).


Small, light, easy to carry. Rate of fire-to-water supply ratio quite good and can last a fairly long time (though water yield is low). This is one of the weapons which helped change water war forever.


Fragile, has a tendency to leak, especially if the O-ring is damaged or loose. Nozzle size is significantly smaller than the newer weapons and range is more limited. The pumping mechanism is also somewhat fragile. (Don't force it to hard or it will break. I know from experience.)

:: Submitted Reviews

By the_sebald_decoder | Posted: 20050724

The first super soaker ever made. This gun is no match for any of the newer guns, but can be a good sniper gun. With a small nozzle, this gun fires 50 feet! Thus, it has the name: SS50. Actually, this gun was originally called the SS 100, until the actual SS 100 came out, and the name was changed to SS50 due to the sheer size of the SS 100 ( Note: this statement is unverified). The nozzle is really small and the pressure of the water is little to none. It does, however, prove to be a nice gun to use in friendlier water fights, enough to get one mildly wet and cooled off, but not soaked. As you can see, the SS50 is not a big threat for present day water fights and can easily be replaced now by just going to a dollar store and buying a cheap 3-5 dollar water gun. The gun is rather poorly designed, however, as the entire front firing pipe can easily snap off, so one needs to be careful when using. The SS50, while easily replaced by other guns, is one of the few guns where you can just press the trigger and fire a long-lasting stream of water with only 1-4 pumps! Actually, it is bad if you pump the gun too much because it can not handle the pressure. While you CAN go out and attempt to replace this gun, it will be hard to find another gun that fires 50 feet at a dollar store. You have to believe me when I say that this is not like a modern day water gun. When you fire it, you WILL be surprised at how low the pressure from the water gun is. It really does make a nice gun to use just to cool off, but will not last a minute in a real water fight. The filling tank is removable, which is a plus, so you don't have to risk breaking the gun while filling it up.


Great range!
Collector's Item due to the fact that it is the first super soaker ever made.
Removable filling tank and no removable cap to fill gun(convience in some ways).
A nice feel for the gun, as it can easily be carried with one hand.


Low, low, low pressure.
Easily broken in a numerous amount of ways.
Removable filling tank and no removable cap to fill gun(you have to screw the tank back in).
The pump feels a little shaky, almost as if it is about to come off.


While it has great range, that is the gun's only feature. The pressure of the gun is horrible for big water wars, but in some cases, it is good to have a low pressure gun just to cool off with. Very easily broken and it is a collector's item. A big collector's item as it was the first gun ever made. I rate the gun as a whole as:


Range ain't everything

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 Product Listing Page | Super Soaker Product Evolution Tree 

Super Soaker Original / Classic Series

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