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The Armoury Review :: Water Warriors Zzapper

.: No notable statistics currently available



Manufacturer: Buzz Bee Toys Inc.

Class:  Air - Pressurized Reservoir

  Item Number: 10200
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 2002 / 2003
  Availability: No Longer Made


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 462.00 g (16.33 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 730.00 mL (24.33 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
  Pump Volume: Air Ratings .:

Power: 5

Range: N/A

Encumbrance: 40

Ergonomics: 70

Capacity: 35

Overall: 70

Blaster Dimensions :: 35.0 cm (13.78 ") x 7.5 cm (2.95 ") x 19.0 cm (7.48 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber




Green / Orange


Yellow / Orange

Nozzle Information: 1 .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Main ::



25.0 mL/s (0.83 oz./s)





  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
  • Please reference if you use any information from any part of this website.

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The Water Warriors Zzapper is the second smallest of the Water Warriors line. Its size lies in-between that of the Water Warriors Firefly and the Water Warriors Hornet. As with its brethren, the Water Warriors Zzapper has similar styling to the smaller Max-D Super Soakers, but unlike thsee, the Water Warriors Zzapper has a guided pump and sliding, mechanical pressure gauge..

The Blaster ::

Nozzle ::

water_warriors_zzapper_16_100The Water Warriors Zzapper features a single nozzle powered by its pressurized reservoir. Being a pressurized water blaster, streams produced can have both power and be continuous. As the Water Warriors Zzapper is a smaller water blaster, stream output is good, though less that what larger air-pressure-based water blasters are capable of producing.

Pump ::

water_warriors_zzapper_15_100Being a pressurized reservoir blaster, the Water Warriors Zzapper's pump is designed to push air into the reservoir. The pump, itself, is tracked, positioned along the bottom of the forward section of the blaster. The pump stroke length is on the shorter side, but pumping is smooth and the pump can pressurize this blaster quite effectively. A decent number of pumps (on the order of 30-40 pumps) to properly pressurize the reservoir.

water_warriors_zzapper_17_100Also to assist with knowing how much pumping is desired, the Water Warriors Zzapper features a mechanical pressure gauge on the left side towards the front of the body. As pressure builds in the reservoir, the slider moved, changing the color exposed from red to green. (Sidenote: though a nice feature, this additional part is also a point of weakness for the Water Warriors Zzappers internals.)

Triggers / Grip ::

water_warriors_zzapper_18_100The trigger and grip area of the Water Warriors Zzapper is limited due to the styling and design of this blaster. As the pump housing actually runs along the full length of the base of the blaster, this makes for a rather cramped trigger/grip area that is not as easy to hold, particularly due to the thickness of the bottom area where the pump is. Most hands will likely not completely fit comfortably. On the bright side, the blaster, itself, is not heavy, making it usable. However, this cramped styling is probably the Water Warriors Zzapper's greatest fault.

The Reservoir ::

water_warriors_zzapper_04_100The reservoir on the Water Warriors Zzapper holds a decent amount of water in its reservoir for a blaster of this size. Being a pressurized reservoir system,the entire reservoir should not be filled in order to leave enough volume for adequate pressurization. Accessing the reservoir is through a tethered cap that is anchored via a string and an internal piece of plastic; this also means that the anchor can rattle around inside the reservoir. Thanks to the respectable volume provided by the reservoir, shot times are generally good assuming the blaster is pressurized properly.

Overall ::

As a whole, the Water Warriors Zzapper is a decent, lower-class water blaster. It is probably best suited for being a primary only in small skirmishes, but being a decent choice for a back-up in larger, longer battles. Of course, one must be wary when going up against significantly larger pressurized blasters.


Nice size, light, easy to carry. Packs respectable power for its size. Has a pressure gauge. Easy to fill with a nice, tethered cap.


This is a rather small blaster compared to the others out there. The trigger and grip area and grip is a cramped, meaning that larger hands will not be able to have all fingers on the grip comfortably. Solid-coloured reservoir makes it more difficult to determine how much water remains. Pump stroke volume feels a little on the low side.

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 Product Listing Page | Water Warriors Product Evolution Tree 

Water Warriors Air Pressure Based Systems

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Water Blaster: Basics | Care, Cleaning, and Storage | Soaker Use: Basics|Repair Articles|Pressurized Reservoir Tech Troubleshooting|Pressurized Reservoir Blaster Usage

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