January 14, 2014 - Day 14 .:
All content and images are used with permission. Content and images are provided for personal use only. Not for redistribution.
Today is the official launch of the 365 Days of Soaking: A Visual Project. As such, I've chosen to use a screen capture of the the landing page for the 365 Days of Soaking: A Visual Project as today's image in one of these self-referencing-type of postings. Fourteen days into this project has already proven to be somewhat of a challenge. There has yet to be a day I have had to force myself to do something water blaster-related. However, I am not accustomed to ensuring I'm capturing something I've done during the day in a sharable format. Thankfully, having a camera handy at most times (thanks to my cell phone) as well as also permitting myself to use screen captures makes capturing something for every day more feasible. I hope others will find diving through the images and comments associated with them interesting and insightful. I have no idea what this project will look like at its end, but it's been fun so far creating all this new content to share. Plus even with only two weeks of pictures available, this project's landing page is starting to look quite neat, at least in my opinion.