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The Armoury Review :: X-Stream Air Pressure X-S 5.0

.: Statistics measured at



Manufacturer: Lanard Toys Ltd.

Class:  Air - Pressurized Reservoir

  Item Number: D06 M25284
  Copyright Date / Release Date: 2000 / 2000
  Availability: No Longer Made


Basic Statistics ::

  Weight: 625.00 g (22.08 oz.)
  Reservoir Volume: 940.00 mL (31.33 fl.oz.)
  Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
  Pump Volume: Air Ratings .:

Power: 4

Range: 90

Encumbrance: 40

Ergonomics: 60

Capacity: 45

Overall: 65

Blaster Dimensions :: 47.0 cm (18.5 ") x 8.0 cm (3.15 ") x 22.0 cm (8.66 ")

Length x Width x Height

Version Colours .:



Pressure Chamber



1 ::

Black / Purple

Nozzle Information: 1 .:


Range (level)

Range (45°)


iSoaker Output Rating

iSoaker Power Rating

Shot Time

Main ::

8.0 m (26.25')

11.0 m (36.09')

24.0 mL/s (0.8 oz./s)



15.0 s


  • Most statistics are from models tested by; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
  • Please reference if you use any information from any part of this website.

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The X-Stream Air Pressure X-S 5.0 is a relatively small air-pressure-based soaker, yet an average sized soaker for the X-Stream line. Its design and styling are more futuristic and have some interesting features including a top-positioned trigger and grip area as well as a bottom-positioned reservoir. The layout actually makes the blaster quite comfortable to hold though those with larger hands may find the trigger grip area a little short.

:: Nozzle

The Air Pressure X-S 5.0 has one, small nozzle that produces a decent stream despite its small size. Nozzle performance seems to lie somewhere between the original Super Soaker SS 50 and a Super Soaker XP 75. Stream consistency is good, though.

:: Pressurized Reservoir

The Air Pressure X-S 5.0's pressure chamber/reservoir holds a respectable amount of water. There is an intake tube within the reservoir that is soft, but properly weighted, keeping the intake submerged in water until the reservoir is almost empty. One little feature that was nice to see was a fill line engraved on the side of the reservoir. For pressurized reservoir-based blasters, it is unwise to completely fill the reservoir as this will not allow much pressurized air to be pushed in at first, making the initial few shots very short and weak. Following the fill line means ones will not overfill the reservoir. However, since the reservoir cap was placed at the very back of the blaster, this blaster cannot be easily filled in most sinks, thus requires with a hose or bottles of water and a funnel to fill properly.

:: Pump

The pump is a standard forward-mounted pump. It glides easily and pressurizes the reservoir with an average number of strokes.

:: Overall

All in all , the X-Stream Air Pressure X-S 5.0 is a decent soaker, having decent power and capacity for its size. The trigger grip area is a little small for larger hands. However, this blaster performs well, able to hold its own against other similarly-sized blasters. Just beware of larger blasters or CPS-based blasters.


Easy to pump, pressurize, and blast away. Tank features fill line to reduce the chances of overfilling.


Pressurized reservoir means one cannot fill or refill the blaster when pressurized. Nozzle is a little on the small side for modern blasters of this size.

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