:: Super Soaker Triple Shot (Soaker Tag Elite Series)
.: Statistics measured at iSoaker.com
Manufacturer: Hasbro Inc.
Class: Air - Pressurized Reservoir
Item Number: 52616
Copyright Date / Release Date: 2004 / 2005
Patents: 6631830, 6446837
Availability: No Longer Made
Basic Statistics ::
Weight: 510.00 g (18.02 oz.)
Reservoir Volume: 480.00 mL (16 fl.oz.)
Pressure Chamber Volume: N/A
Pump Volume: Air
iSoaker.com Ratings .:
Power: 32

Range: 85

Encumbrance: 35

Ergonomics: 90

Capacity: 25

Overall: 90

Blaster Dimensions :: 36.0 cm (14.17 ") x 10.0 cm (3.94 ") x 22.0 cm (8.66 ")
Version Colours .:
Pressure Chamber
Nozzle Information: 1 Nozzle Selector (3 settings) .:
Range (level)
Range (45°)
iSoaker Output Rating
iSoaker Power Rating
Shot Time
Small Stream ::
5.5 m (18.04')
7.0 m (22.97')
45.0 mL/s (1.5 oz./s)
9.0 s
Large Stream ::
6.5 m (21.33')
10.5 m (34.45')
207.0 mL/s (6.9 oz./s)
1.0 s
Fan ::
3.5 m (11.48')
4.0 m (13.12')
58.0 mL/s (1.93 oz./s)
7.0 s
- Most statistics are from models tested by iSoaker.com; individual performance may vary; some models exhibit greater variability than others (i.e. output, range, colours, etc.)
- Please reference iSoaker.com if you use any information from any part of this website.
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The Super Soaker SoakerTag Elite: Triple Shot is the smallest of the SoakerTag Elite series released in 2005. Despite its smaller stature, this soaker packs multiple nozzle settings and a good punch. While its small size limits its capacity, the Triple Shot is not a soaker that should be taken lightly.
The Blaster ::
Nozzles ::
The Triple Shot's small size means a separate firing chamber is not present in this blaster. In spite of this, the Triple Shot is endowed with three nozzle settings: a small stream for conservative water use, a large stream for short-lived, but potent bursts, and a fan-stream setting. The pressurized reservoir, while only offering limited firing time, does manage to adequately power each of these settings. However, the limited firing chamber capacity does restrict shot time.
Pump ::
The pump for the Triple Shot is shorter, but decent for a soaker of its size. As this pump only pushes air, there is no lag whem pressurizing the chamber. Pump volume does allow for a good pressurization of the reservoir in a relatively decent number of strokes. Oddly, the pump does not retract completely against the body of the blaster. As such, it does leave a portion that may be more prone to breakage should the soaker be dropped.
Triggers / Grip ::
The trigger and grip area on the Triple Shot has a good, relatively sturdy feel to them. The trigger has a slightly stiffer feel when pulling, but works well nevertheless. The open design of the grip means than even larger hands can hold the Triple Shot reasonably. The sculpted form of the grip makes for a comfortable and secure hold even through longer water fights.
The Reservoir ::
Like other members of the 2005 Super Soaker line, the Triple Shot's reservoir is opaque. Due to the blaster's small size, the reservoir capacity is more limited. This is further compounded by the fact that there is no separate pressure chamber, meaning that the reservoir cannot be completely filled if one wants to get the best performance. It is recommended to only fill the reservoir between 70% to 80% of its total capacity to allow for space for the compressed air to occupy when pumping. As well, being a pressurized reservoir, the cap must be firmly attached to prevent pressurized air from escaping.
It should also be noted that there is an intake tube that serves as the feed for the Triple Shot's nozzles. While this places the intake hole near to the rear of the reservoir, the mere presence of the intake tube also means that not all the water in the reservoir can be effectively pushed through the nozzle when the water level gets lower. This is especially evident when using the largest nozzle setting.
Overall ::
As a whole, the Super Soaker SoakerTag Elite: Triple Shot great, lightweight pistol-sized soaker. Despite its smaller size, the nozzle selection allows for great flexibility on the water war field and the largest nozzle setting provides a very respectable blast. Overall, this soaker would make a great hold-out blaster or primary blaster in smaller skirmishes. However, due to its limited capacty, it would be unwise to face off against significantly larger blasters for prolonged periods of time.
Small, light, yet powerful for its size. Multiple nozzle settings provide good flexibility in different situations. Smallest stream feels quite cohesive while large stream results in a good blast of water, causing a litle kickback. Comfortable to hold and use.
Small size means limited overall capacity. Pressurized reservoir prevent refilling without first depressurizing. No holster or strap.
Submitted Reviews:
By: Spinner | Posted: 20060815
The Super Soaker Triple Shot: prize pistol or suspect sidearm?
The Triple Shot was made in Hasbro in 2005 – surely that says it all. No CPS power, only a PR system – it’s not even worth spending time to pity it, surely. Or is it?
Cynicism is helpful in allowing people to start questioning things, and can thus assist ‘enlightenment’. However, rampant cynicism can blind one; it is best to make a fair, honest appraisal of something rather than dismiss it out of hand because of prior opinions that one has held or heard. This applies not just to life but also to Hasbro-bashing; we should examine each soaker with a critical yet just eye. How, then, does the Triple Shot measure up?
The first thing to note is that this is not the same gun as the widely slammed XP 85 Triple Shot. No, this is a different gun altogether. Good thing too, some might say. In any case, let’s get on to discussing this Triple Shot’s design.
The Triple Shot is a near-pistol with PR power. I say near-pistol, since I find it a little too heavy to really qualify as a sidearm pistol. Unfortunately, this leaves it stuck between categories: it’s neither a light main weapon like the XP 105, Flash Flood, SC 500, etc, but neither is it really a pistol like the SS 25, SS 10, XP 15, and so on. Stranded in this awkward position, it has to do more than the usual blaster to justify its purchase.
Performance shows positive signs
So, we ask, can it walk the walk? Well, despite any fears you might have over its PR system, I can say that thanks to Hasbro having the good sense to re-introduce multi-nozzle-selectors for an air-pressure gun – something not seen since the XXP 275, from what I can recall – the Triple Shot gives an impressive blast of water on the largest setting. And I was, honestly, impressed. You don’t get many shots out of it on this setting, but the mere fact that it is capable of such a blast makes it desirable.
Durability concerns
Unfortunately, the rest isn’t so good. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Max-D-style trigger system is prone to malfunctioning. After only light to moderate use, it can fail to open, thus rendering the blaster all but useless. Attempts to fix it on my part with rubber bands (see figs. 2 and 3) have so far proved futile, with the balance needed proving elusive. One hopes that Hasbro do not repeat their mistake here in future years – though low-durability products might work to their advantage in this market.
In conclusion then, I consider the Triple Shot to be a Good Thing performance-wise; without any problems, it could have gained a 7/10 rating. It has nice features, like its nozzle selector, and could be useful on the battlefield. However, don’t expect to get much use out of it – its serious trigger valve flaw adversely affects its rating, and coupled with its oversized body, leaves it with only a 5/10 rating.By Scorpion | Posted: 20050514
The Triple Shot is the best air pressure STE soaker.
The stream size is very good and the range on mine is 40 feet on the small nozzle with a 5 second shot time and a very laminated stream (I measured from a small plant to a concrete slab out in the middle of the yard. If it hit the slab, it is 40 feet and my Triple Shot hit it). On the large nozzle, I got 35 feet with a half second shot time and the stream is laminated and my fan goes about 10 feet with a 3 second shot time. For each stream, I pumped this blaster 30 times (no kidding, it hasn't broken yet). The large stream gives a small but noticeable kick back. Over all the TS is a very good back up soaker.
Pros: good sized stream, good range for a blaster of its size, good feel easy to pump, nozzle selection is a plus for a blaster of its size.
Cons: The tank is too small and you only get two shots per tank if you're lucky, this blaster is easily out-classed by any CPS weapon, couldn't stand its own in a large water war.
By Vaporizer (posted 20050331)
This is my review of the STE Triple Shot.
First off, it has three nozzles: 2x, 5x(I guessed), and fan blast. It is a PR blaster. The box says it can shoot 35' and it can, for 1 second on the 5x nozzle. The fan blast fires about 15', and the 2x nozzle shoots 30'.
I liked the styling and weight of this blaster. It's very light, even when filled to the max capacity (17 oz.), and the nozzle selector clicks into place easily. There are little things above the nozzles that are always on top when a nozzle is selected. I labeled the nozzles with a Sharpie on those things. The nozzle selection is quite good for a blaster of its size. The 5x nozzle will give your target a large wet mark on their t-shirt.
I didn't like that the capacity for this blaster is soooooooooooo small. The 5x nozzle WILL drain half of your resirvoir in one shot. 17 ounces is just a little too small for a 5x nozzle. A 25 ounce reservoir would have supplied the 5x nozzle much better.
Overall, this is a good blaster for small/medium skirmishes and a good backup. It doesn't carry enough water, though the 2x nozzle does make up for the 5x nozzle's downfalls, with a 4-5 second shot time. I would recommend this blaster to anyone using a Max-D4000 or smaller as a backup.
Score: 8/10
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Super Soaker SoakerTag Elite (STE) Series
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