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26: news moved to main splash page for quicker reading. New Super Soaker ® info available.
23: Submitted review on the SC Power Pak posted. News on the 2001 series of Super Soakers ® will be posted soon.
22: updates continue with tweaking of Flash menu rollovers, sounds, fonts, etc. The Intro movie was also removed from viewing but can still be seen by visiting the Jump Points menu.
20: major facelift. Changes have occurred on design, navigation, and content levels, affecting every section on every page. Don't forget to check out the Current Projects button on the left arc. Leave NO one dry!
New Sections to Note: Non-Flash Version, Image Gallery, World News Network, Guestbook
New Features to Note: Multi-level Flash menus, photo of the inventor of the Super Soaker in the Super Soaker ® history page, Adobe PDF files for some reviews, redesigned iSoaker Elite section
02: Next major site update expected to be released around mid-December. counter appears to be experiencing problems. Problems are originating from the end.

11: Always Remember.
Blast from the past: Did you ever see the original Aquatechnology website? If not, click here to see how started.
Other news: As time goes by, off-line developments continue.While the next major update still has no definite launch date, it is adviseable for those who have not yet to download Macromedia Flash 5.0 player. Note: The new site will not work properly without it.
04: Further off-line developments continuing. Aspects of being looked at more critically are navigation panels and blaster review pages.
20: "Somewhere in the world, it's Soaker Season!"
- 2000
Welcome to the redesigned For the Extreme Water Warrior. Leave NO one dry! Many things have been udpated and changed since the site went into off-season mode. The following listing is a short summary of changes made to the site. Of course, it is still best just to explore and see what new things one may find.
Updates/Site Modifications:
- New Splash movie and music posted.(Really!)
- Flash detection movie added. (If you didn't notice it, you probably already have Flash 4.0 or above installed.)
- Main Sub-Section Flash movies and TitleBar Flash movie tweaked. Bottom-menu button Flash movie removed due to redundancy.
- Site location bar added to the top of every page to facilitate site navigation with back-link branch points listed.
- New layouts and smaller font sizes used on most pages for a cleaner feel and read.
- Multiple pages combined if possible to reduce number of clicks required to read sections.
- New sections/pages added:
World News Section
History of the Super Soaker ®
iSoaker Tech Research Page
Tech Development: Fast-Fill Bottles
iSoaker Forum (Yahoo! Club affiliated with the Aquatica Club)
More... - New fan-submitted pages posted:
CPS2000: Pump Repair
SS Pen World Review
Super Soaker Storage System
15: offline update continues to progress. The next major update expected in late October or early November.
20: has begun to undergo a face-lift off-line. At present, it is currently not known when the updates will be completed and posted. It is hypothesized that the changes will become public around the time when the 2001 line of Super Soakers ® is announced. Until then, is looking for visitor input about what you like or think needs improving with If you have any suggestions, please send me an email.
08: With the approach of autumn coming for the Northern regions, the Super Soaker ® season here draws to a close. As such, will be slowing down as there are not as many developments during the fall months. However, as the new year approaches, be sure to check back as information on the 2001 line of Super Soakers ® is released. Other site updates will still occur, only not as frequently.
01: Welcome to September! September tends to mark the end of the northern soaking season and the countdown until fall. will be soon going into off-season mode. During off-season time, update posting frequency will decrease while more changes are made to the site offline to prepare for the 2001 season. A sizeable update is planned for the future, but time will tell when work will commence on the change and when it may be posted. For now, the lastest update is the posted: iSoaker Elite: Part VI. Enjoy!
24: New World Review posted on the CPS1000.
20: New World Review posted on the XP110. iSoaker online purchase catalog page updated.
18: has now become an associate. This now means that you can buy available Super Soakers ® simply by clicking the link on the corresponding pages or visiting the available-for-purchase Super Soaker listing here at
17: Review for the Power Soaker Jr. Cannon posted.
14: A World Review for the CPS 3000 has been posted. has also acquired a Power Soaker Jr. Cannon and a Super Soaker Mr. Potato Head. Reviews to be posted soon.
09: The iSoaker Elite section updated. Part V posted.
06: The XP310 is the current iSoaker Feature Blaster. New war story added to the War Journals section.
05: Aquatica announces a CPS 3200 giveaway! (Proudly sponsored by Aquatica which is a co-founder along with the Aqua-Nexus.) See the Aquatica Club Page and the Aquatica Home Page for contest details. Draw on September 1, 2000.
04: iSoaker Elite updated: Part IV added.
03: iSoaker Elite updated.
02: New World Review posted for the CPS2000.
01: Welcome to August, 2000!. A new section has been launched: iSoaker Elite. In iSoaker Elite, tips, tactics, ideas, and exercises will be presented going beyond the current scope of the other parts in the Tips and Tactics section. The iSoaker Elite section is not recommended for everyone, but is recommended for anyone wanting to push take simple soaking and turn it into an Artform.
The Water Blaster Timeline has also been updated as well as various other small changes throughout the entire site.
28: Navigation problems fixed. iSoaker Exchange updated. From this date onwards, updated to iSoaker Exchange will not be listed in the News and Updates listing. Check those pages to see what's new.
27: XP Series detail reviews updated with Imperical values. Super Soaker ® Splashketball acquired. iSoaker Exchange updated.
25: Review of Air Hogs Hydro Rockets:Vector posted.
24:Air Hogs Hydro Rockets:Vector acquired. Review to come soon. Also, Imperical measurements are also to be listed with the current Metric measurements, but this will take awhile for all pages to be updated. Please note that a conversion page with conversions between Metric and Imperical values are available to those who need. CPS and Monster Series updated. Weapon Overview will remain listed in the Metric system due to space contraints.
21:Navigation mistakes corrected. Special thanks goes to TAKrogoth for finding them. Exchange page launched! The Exchange section will provide a forum where individuals' water blaster requests or sales will be posted. All links moved onto the iSoaker World section.
17: War Memoirs posted. See the War Journal.
15: Review of the XP75:Classic Series posted. Images changed for various older Super Soakers ® which does not possess (i.e. SS10,etc.)
14:Review of the WWF: Undertaker posted.
12:Just returned from a short visit of the USA. Picked up a Classic XP75 and a WWF Undertaker CPS. Reviews for both blasters to be posted in the next few days as well as some other tidbits of soaker info.
07: The review of the Monster XL further updated. Super Soaker Skipper review added. Links page edited.
05:Air Hogs: Warp Stream Water Rocket review added.
03:General page size increased to 650 pixels. Pages should still print without problems on regular paper (8.5"x11") but require less pages. This is particularly good for those interested in printing some of the various Tips and Tactics ideas, especially the Training Guide.
New feature of iSoaker: The iSoaker Feature Blaster. (See Above) The featured blaster review will look more closely at a particular blaster. also purchased an Air Hogs Hydro Rockets: Warp Stream and a Super Soaker Skipper. Reviews to come soon.
01: Links page updated.
30: One new war story posted in the War Journal. forum closed due to lack of posts and forum posting problems. To keep up with online water warfare information, go to Aquatica Club! World review of the CPS3200 posted. Two new war stories posted in the War Journal.
25:Flash movies altered. is featured in Yahoo! Singapore Picks of the Week as well as in Yahoo! Asia Picks of the Week for the week beginning June 25, 2000, barely 2 weeks after's initial launch!
23: Range reporting for all water blasters being altered. From this point on, all blaster firing distances will be quoted as a range since blasters tend to vary in power despite being the same model type.
21: Water Balloon Use Tips updated.
19: Splash movie modified. Training Guide Section XXII posted.
17: World Classified link added to iSoaker World section. This link provides a board where people from around the world can post ads looking for others in the area who are also interested in soaking each other.
16: New email address assigned for use for all email submissions to is also pleased to announce that is has been accepted into Yahoo! and is now listed under Recreation/Toys/Water Guns/Super Soaker ®.
13: New Help page added. Link to help placed on the bottom of every page.
12: New World Reviews posted in the War Journal. Key jump points added to main page.
11: Review for the Power Soaker: Mini Cannon posted.
10: Fixed a few other broken image links. MiB Club moved from Prime Sites to Other Sites due to lack of attention from the founder. Working on reworking Tips and Tactics section. Rewording various terms site-wide.
09: Various pages further tweaked including Links, iSoaker World, etc. Banner designs posted on Links page.
08: Welcome to! Your dedicated Internet Portal into the world of Water Weaponry (i.e. SuperSoakers) and Warfare. This site is undergoing a major evolutionary process. Each page is being picked apart, remodelled, redesigned to give YOU, the online Soaker fan, the most current and relevant information, tips and tactics that you seek. What you see now is only the beginning...
04: Storm Gun: Cyclone Force 3 review posted.
03: Another war story posted. See The War Journal.
02: New war story posted. See The War Journal. Also acquired a Storm Gun (Cyclone Force 3) as well as a Power Soaker Mini Cannon. Reviews on both blasters to come shortly.
01:Fairly extensive site make-over for Summer, 2000!
Things to note:
- Main Splash file changed (No.. really!) The "II" stands for Aquatechnology's Second Serious Summer for providing Soaking Information.
- Water Blaster Review page format altered... nozzle patterns included for all blasters with detailed reviews. Review pages made more consistent in design.
- All blaster modification pages (with the exception of colouring/detailing) removed in hopes to establish an exchange with in the future. Special thanx to all those who had submitted modifications in the past! Tech developments pages now reserved for water warfare developments not involving modification of weaponry (i.e. water mine creation, holster making, etc.)
- Conversions page added. Request section on main page added.
- Links page reworked slightly. QFD description page added.
- New images added to the Gallery. New Monster review posted in the Soaker World section.
- Various other Flash files and HTML pages altered. (Flash Movies now have a transparent background when using IE 4.0 and above... does not seem to work for Netscape, unfortunately.)
17: Submitted SC500 modification posted.
10: Submitted World Review for the XP150:Original posted.
09: Target Design submission posted.
08: Output for XP20, XP40, XP65, XP75, and XP110 determined.
06: Output for XP220, XP240, XP270, XP310, SC400, SC400:2000 Ed.(estimated), SC500, SC600, CPS3000, CPS3200, and Monster determined.
04:Output for CPS1000, CPS1200, CPS1500, CPS1700(estimated), CPS2000, CPS2500, and CPS2700 determined.
3:CPS1700 acquired and review added. Output for XP70 determined. The XP70 was chosen for measuring first as it is supposed to represent the benchmark by which all other Super Soakers ® are measured. (According to
30: Monster acquired and review added. History of Aquatechnology updated. Repair Guide expanded.
28: New Main Page layout (in case you didn't notice). With this layout, news items can be read immediately and updated pages quickly accessed. Other things to note include the renaming of the "What's New?" page into simply "Info". Also, a Repair Guide has been added to The Armoury. Suggestions on how to repair water blasters are now being welcomed.
24: SC-Weapon Use Tips added to Tips and Tactics section. Various pages and Flash files edited.
23: Submissions page added. E-mail address questions/submissions should be sent to has been changed to
22: Flash files edited. Statistics for water blasters altered, adding Output and Shot Time to list. Heavy Combo page updated.
21: Ad removed from main page... just hadn't gotten anything from it, thus, no point. Concepts page updated. Various Flash movies edited.
18: Monster XL aquired and review posted. Water Properties Tips added to Tips and Tactics section.
16: XP Ranges determined for the XP220, XP240, XP270, XP310, SC:TC, SC:BT, CPS1200, CPS2700, CPS3200. CPS3200 and SC400:2000 Ed. acquired and reviews posted. Various Flash files edited.
14: XP105 World Review updated. Two new reviews added.
13: Index page edited (An ad posted?!) A Monster Review posted from an email message (See War Journal in the World Soaker section) Link to Water Weapon Revolution added to Links section (newest member of the Aquatica Webring)
9: Index page edited. Concept page expanded Minor editing done on various pages.
6: Links page updated to include
5: Training Guide: Part XXI added.
1: SC: Big Trouble and XP: Pool Pumper Cannon acquired and reviewed.
29: Forum c/o added to Soaker World page.
25: New counter from put in main page due to consistent problems with
24: Aquatechnology storage system image posted in the Image Gallery in the Soaker World section.
22: Images taken as posted for the CPS1200, CPS2700, SC:TC, XP220, XP240, XP270 and XP310 on their respective review pages. (See The Armoury)
19: Image Gallery in the Soaker World section posted.
18: For those who have not noticed, reviews of the XP240, XP270, CPS1200, CPS2700 and SC:Triple Charge are posted. Changed Weapon Combo sections.
17: CPS2700 exchanged for a working model. XP240 and XP270 purchased. Reviews to come soon.
16: SC:Triple Charge, CPS1200 and CPS2700 acquired. Reviews of SC: Triple Charge and CPS1200 in the works. CPS2700 needs to be replaced due to a leak.
15: XP310 acquired and reviewed. Pictures of 2000 series Super Soakers ® coming soon. Timeline added to The Armoury section.
14: Reformat complete for all weaponry owned and reviewed.
11: New format implemented for SS and XP series. XP220 acquired and review posted.
9: New format being implemented for Super Soaker ® reviews. CPS and SC Series reformatted. The rest will be redone in time.
6: World Review of XP105 posted. (See The War Journal or the XP105 Page)
5: Hydrophiles site added to other links.
3: Reverse Engineering of a Super Soaker ® link added to Soaker World section.
1: Urban Battleground added to Battle Ground descriptions (See Tips and Tactics).
29: Entire site clean-up. Side menu removed and merged with titlebar to open up more room on each subpage. Various images and Flash movies edited. Every subpage edited. (Key Points: Years added to different Series main pages, collection status added to Site Stats, new Super Soaker ® stats updated.)
20: Entire site being cleaned up off-line.
16: Training Guide - Part XX added. (See Tips and Tactics) Training Guide reorganized (server-side changes).
13: Site Statistics page posted for those interested. Some of the new Super Soaker ® pages' information updated.
10: New XP110 modification added to Soaker World. The Armoury Page slightly re-arranged. WWF Series added to the Other Weapons page. (See The Armoury)
9: The War Journal updated. (See Soaker World) Also, we would like to welcome MiB Alliance to the Aquatica Webring! = See Aquatica =
7: The Soaker World section added to the main menus in order to provide a single area where news, ideas and such can be posted from Super Soaker ® fans from around the world! Most recent modifications moved to Soaker World section. Minor corrections made to modification pages.
6: A recent posting at Super Soaker ® .com stated that images from that site should not be used on personal websites without explicit written consent. In light of that, an email was sent to them asking whether we could use of the images "borrowed" and posted here at Aquatechnology. We, at Aquatechnology, are grateful for the quick reply by's webmaster granting Aquatechnology permission (at least for now) to use the pictures we have posted. Thanks again to the webmaster of Super Soaker ® .com and also thanks to all the worldwide Super Soaker ® fans for helping make the site it is today!
5: New expanded reservoir modification added. (A heavy upgrade, indeed) Details of an XP70 modified for Night Vision posted. (See The Armoury) Special thanks goes out to the WorldWide Super Soaker ® fan base for supplying information and/or pictures of their ideas and creations!
1: New Battle Ground added to Tips and Tactics section. A new section added to the Training Guide (See Tips and Tactics)
23: Page fonts and colours reformatted for most of the site.
17: Links page updated. Night Vision page updated (See The Armoury:Modifications).
11: Expanded Reservoir modification added to The Armoury. Glossary updated.
7: Care and Maintainance section added to Tips and Tactics. General Weaponry Tips edited.
2: The Armoury pages redesigned to accomodate the current and future additions to the SuperSoaker ® arsenal.
1: New Super Soakers ® looked at in The Armoury. Take a look for yourself at what this season has to offer.