News Archive - 2007
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31: Super Soaker XP 95 review posted.
27:Majority of 2008 site tweaks uploaded including new header, new image navigation on review pages, and numerous other site-wide tweaks and refinements. Enjoy!
21: Autumn, 2007, we hardly knew thee! Welcome Winter! More site updates coming soon!
14: Pwn'd by snow! See Autumn, 2007 @ Gallery for some pics.
18: Submitted review on the Super Soaker CPS 2000 posted.
1: Bits of info trickling in on water blasters in the 2008 Super Soaker line. See the Forums for the latest info.
30: More images added to the Gallery: Armoury section.
29: Submitted pictures of the Super Soaker SS 50 internals and Super Soaker XP 55 internals posted. Submitted war story: The Big Showdown! reposted.
25: Super Soaker AquaShock Hydro Blitz review posted. Submitted review on the Super Soaker AquaShock Arctic Blast posted.
20: Submitted armoury pictures by Cobralex297 posted.
19: Submitted armoury pictures by Cobralex297 posted.
15: Submitted armoury pictures by Dragonclass posted. Submitted battle report: A Great Fight reposted.
9: Submitted review on the Super Soaker XP 105 posted.
8: Range tests done for various 2007 stock soakers: Water Warriors Tiger Shark, Water Warriors Orca, Water Warriors Tarantula, Water Warriors Stingray, Water Warriors Steady Stream, Water Warriors Hammerhead, and Super Soaker Arctic Blast.
Submit a Review Online form updated.
7: Submitted review on the Super Soaker AquaShock Sneak Attack posted.
Happy Independence Day! Cosmic Liquidator Review posted.
Happy Canada Day! Summer 2007 Sitewide Update. Changes include:
.: honours a number of Online Soakerdom Heroes.
.: launches the Water Blaster Hall of Fame.
.: iSoakin' The World gallery launched.
.: Gallery updated with a number of new submissions.
.: Rogue Section updated.
.: Armoury Review pages tweaked; Soaker Classification terms changed to Air Pressure System, Elastic Pressure System, Piston Pressure System, and Other.
Development of a number of new articles including Soaker Technology: Basics, Soaker Use: Basics, Player Tactics: Basics, and Water War: Basics.
.: Submit a Water Warfare Battle Report online submission form created.
Computer desktop icons added to the Downloadables section.
.: 2007 and 2008 Calendars now available.
21: Submitted Battle Report: Our First Wars of the Summer posted.
16: Submitted review on the Super Soaker SC400 posted.
14: Many new pictures added to the Gallery.
8: Submitted review on the Super Soaker Aquashock Sneak Attack posted.
28: Finally got a digital scale and measured the weights of the various 2007 soakers I have access to. Also, reposted a submitted battle report: HydroBrawl: Party Smasher.
25: Water Warriors Stingray review posted.
23: Water Warriors Tarantula (motorized), Water Warriors Steady Stream, and Water Warriors Hammerhead reviews posted.
22: Water Warriors Orca review posted. Submitted review on the Speed Loader 1500 posted.
16: Water Warriors Tiger Shark review posted.
2: Long overdue submitted review of the Water Warriors Scorpion posted. Also, the Colorado Soaker Assault group has been added to the Registry.
28: To facilitate the information submission process here at, two online forms added: Submit a Review and Submit an Article.
27: Hydro Hawks (Group) Registry page added. Additionally, placeholder pages have been made for all known 2007 stock water blasters.
17: The Blue Falcons' Registry page updated.
9: New group added to the Registry: Marauders (Australia). New individual added to the Registry: DX [Duxburian] (North America).
5: Forums back up and running with a much more secure set-up. Sorry for the downtime, but privacy and security issues took precedence over forum post access. The new board still needs a little tweaking, but most of it seems to be running well so far. Soak on!
3: Happy New Year!
Well, some years start off better than others. This year was greeted by a newly found GAPING HOLE in the security of the Forums. As such, the Forums are now offline until a new board can be set-up. Please use the Forums and/or Forums until further notice.