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Information News Archive - 2004

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December23: 2005 site design-enhancement launched 8 days early! Enjoy! And Happy Holidays!

November6: Just because the site is primarily in Hibernation mode, there is still a good amount of activity occuring in the iSoaker Forums. Keep an eye on the forums to learn more regarding what is going on behind the scenes.

October21: entering Hibernation-mode. Basically, since autumn has well-arrived for the Northern Hemisphere, bringing with it colder, shorter days, the number of updates will have will be mostly brought to a halt. This time will be used to make more dramatic changes offline to be launched when the time is right, hopefully coininciding with the release of the new 2005 soakers in the North American market. Until then, while submissions are still being accepted, many may not appear online until the update is complete.

In other news, those in Australia and Singapore may have already seen some of the 2005 Water Warriors line-up by Buzz Bee Toys. The most notable new line is known as the Aqua Master Pre-Charger Line that includes the Argon, Xenon and Krypton. While base don air-pressure, these soakers differ from others in that the pressure chamber is split into a pressurized side and a water-containing side. The pressurized area is pre-pumped until a max-pressure is achieved. After, a switch is toggled to allow pumping of water into the other part of the pressure chamber. By splitting air-pumping from water pumping, the soaker effectively only needs to be fully charged once and behaves more like a CPS-based blaster than an air-pressure-based blaster. While one still needs to pump water between shots, the overall effect appears quite good. Some reviews from those who have hands-on experience are posted in the Forums. Unfortunately, these blasters are not available locally, thus none have been tested here yet.

September18: From submissions: "High Noon" water warfare pics added to the Gallery.
14: Review on the XP 15 posted. Links page updated.

Special Notice: Monster Rocket recalled by Hasbro Inc.. Due to a number of accidents occuring when using the Monster Rocket, this item has been recalled by Hasbro Inc. See the link for further information and details. "Consumers should stop using the rockets immediately and contact Hasbro to receive a replacement product of equal value. "

August29: Reviews added: Super Soaker Man, X-Stream Aqua Rebel, X-Stream Air Pressure X-S 5.0, X-Stream Mega Snapper, and X-Stream Pumpmaster 460.
20: Submitted reviews on the X-Stream Stinger and SS10 posted. A submitted Tips & Tactics article posted as well: The Importance of Light Troops.
2: Submitted reviews on the Vaporizer and the Piranha posted.

July24: Something a little different: Internal pictures of the Helix, Liquidator, Triple Aggressor, Monster XL, and WW: Piranha posted. See: Tech Research for the specific links.
22: Little update. Review on the Water Warriors Piranha posted. New war story posted: Urban Skirmish. Submitted reviews on the XP310, SC Big Trouble, and CPS4100 posted. Also, article on opening a Max-D6000 posted (based on a thread in the Forums).
17: New war story posted: The Battle of the Tarps.
16: Forums officially launched! Join today!
4: server problems. forums membership database lost. See for details.

June30: New war story posted: Dark Elite Part One.
21: Image gallery updated and moved to Soaker Network section.
20: Site-wide clean-up.
14: Links page and some other pages updated.
6: A little site-design tweaking occuring. Submitted review on the XS Blastmaster 660 posted. New subpage added to the Soaker Network section of the Mail Bag.
4: New game type from submission posted: Duel - Playoff Version
2: New soaker concept posted.

May25: Submitted war story posted: Forest Fight I.
24: Submitted war story posted: The Ambush.
19-23: Site re-organization occuring.
18: Review on the Shield Blaster 2000 posted. New splash page and nav bar uploaded. More changes to come in time.
16: Submitted review on the Water Warriors Glo-Blaster posted.
12: "No Knot" Water Balloon Filler review posted.
7: Submitted review of the Blazer posted.
4: New water balloon tip added.
1: May 1st Reboot (2004) initialized...

Welcome _again!

Throughout the site, many things have changed with the launch of the redesign of Splash page and inner page styling have been changed to set the stage and make more distinctive when browsing. Graphical titlebars grace the tops of main pages while smaller graphics add to the texture of the site.

From a informational standpoint, basically all of's information pages have been updated. As well, the bulk of the review images have been significantly increased in quality (i.e. better source pictures have now been used for the detailed reviews). Topping the review elements off is the addition of a number of new water blasters reviews:

A product comparison page was created to allow users to compare and contrast various items in the database. The results page the little Flash App loads up allows one to quickly identify key differences between different items while providing links to the products' complete review page (if a full review is available).

April25: completely shut down for the week.
18: Submissions currently suspended. Another notice will be posted once Submissions can resume again.
6: Events page updated with Soaker Tag Arena events.
2: New groups and members added to the Soaker Network Registry. Submitted concept added.

March24: Tweaking of various pages site-wide.
17: Review of the Water Warriors: Lightning posted.
16: Review of the Water Warriors: Blazer posted.
13: Review of the Water Warriors: Hornet posted.

February28: Submitted pictures of the SS100 (Original) and XP250 posted in their respective review pages.
26: Submitted review of the XP110 posted.
22: Submitted review of the Vaporizer posted.
21: Some new pictures of Super Soakers I don't have (SS30, XP95, and XP150) provided by MaXStaR and posted in their respective review page. Also recently acquired a Super Soaker Twister game and a Super Soaker Keychain.
15: Submitted reviews on the CPS 2500, CPS 3200, XP 150, XXP 175, XP 250, XXP 275, Classic 100 by The dark ANNIHILATOR posted.
12: Super Soaker SoakerTag review posted. New group added to the Soaker Network Registry (see Europe).
7: Super Soaker Triple Aggressor review posted. Submitted review of the CPS2100 posted.

January31: Super Soaker Helix review posted.
30: Just received a Super Soaker Helix, Triple Aggressor, Monster Rocket, and a pack of SoakerTags. Expect more detailed reviews soon!
22: Happy New Year (for those following the Lunar Calendar)! At any rate, to greet the Year of the Monkey, I've done some 'playful' things here at The Tips & Tactics section was dissolved and merged into the Information section. This has led to the creation of the all-purpose Article Database which now houses information regarding Tips and Tactics pages as well as War Stories, Humour, and other various articles either submitted to or written here at All these related articles can be access through one simple page: the Article Listing page. The nice thing is that, being a database, articles can now be sorted by the visitor. The added description column also makes it easier to those looking at the article titles to get an idea of what a page contains before they do to that page. Of course, due to the extensive number of links that needed to be updated with the launch of this database, I'm sure that there are still some lingering links that I missed that need to be fixed and pointed appropriately. Replacing the Tips & Tactics button in the header is the Soaker Network icon. This change can be considered as a reflection of's commitment to helping promote the online Soaker community. Finally, the 2004 Super Soaker line placeholders have now been added to the Armoury. While I don't have much information yet apart from the names of the new Super Soaker products, over the next little while I will begin updating those product pages with what I do know. Not a bad number of updates if I do say so myself. Soak on!
11: War Story posted - Betrayal by Striker Elite.
10: Happy New Year! Ok, so it's a little later into the new year than I had expected, but 'tis the first time this year I've had a chance to make an update so bear with me!

First off: The 2004 Super Soaker is out (and apparently available in some select stores in the US). Up here in Canada, I doubt I'll be seeing any Super Soaker in stores 'til early Spring, but it's nice to have an idea of what is to come. For descriptions on the newest soakers, check out the Official Super Soaker site and choose to Browse Blasters -> All Blasters.

The new lineup includes:

While the AquaSquirtz line which includes the H2O Racer, Manta Ray, and Surf Speedster are aimed at 3-5 year olds, the rest of the soakers appear to be small-to-mid-sized blasters. It is interesting to note that there are no larger CPS-class blasters released this year. A key thing to note is the creation of the 'SoakerTag' Body Targets. While one-time-use only (the targets dissolve when soaked with water), it provides the means of turning random water fights into games in which victors can be easily decided. I do hope that we haven't seen the last of CPS-based soakers, but I do look forward to seeing what this year's line-up has to offer. More information will be posted as it becomes available. 'til then, soak on!

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