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Information News Archive - 2009

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November6: Submitted war story posted: First Event of Summer: 2 v 2, November 4th, 2009.

October6: Submitted pictures of Tehyan J.'s Armoury posted.

September30: The Registry is moving to It just makes more sense to allow people to edit their profiles and/or team profiles when they have time as opposed to waiting for me to post updates. If you are interested in joining, please check out The Registry section on
11: Pictures of the Super Soaker SS50: 20th Anniversary Edition posted.
8: Submitted review of the Water Warriors Vindicator and Super Soaker CPS1500 posted. War stories posted: Free 4 all Rampage and Aqua Fury.
1: scaled down/converted due to time and availability limits; threads now much more integrated with content development. General forum threads and discussions archived. Review pages on also upgraded, providing links to specific Product Discussion threads.

August21: Rogue Report V04 I01 posted. See the Rogue Report Page for links to it and previous issues.
14: History of the Super Soaker and History of the Water Warriors Line pages updated.
7: Submitted review of the Super Soaker XP 270 posted. Submitted war story posted: Battle Story: June 21st, 2009.

July12: Submitted review of the Super Soaker SS 20 and Super Soaker Flash Flood posted. Submitted war story posted: Second Armed Skirmish.

June18: New pictures posted for the Speed Loader 1000, Speed Loader Power Surge 2500, Super Soaker Monster X, Super Soaker Monster X (2002), Super Soaker Monster XL, Super Soaker Monster XL (2002) and Water Warriors Vindicator.
17: New pictures posted for the Super Soaker CPS Splashzooka 65oz., Super Soaker CPS 2100, Super Soaker CPS 2500, Super Soaker CPS 2700, Super Soaker CPS 3000, Super Soaker WWF Stone Cold Steve Austin, Super Soaker SC Big Trouble, Super Soaker SC Power Pak, and Storm T-Shock 8000.
16: New pictures posted for the Super Soaker CPS 1000, Super Soaker CPS 1200, Super Soaker CPS 1500, Super Soaker CPS 1700, Super Soaker CPS 2000, Super Soaker CPS 3200, Super Soaker Monster (2001), Super Soaker SC 500, Super Soaker SC 600, Super Soaker XXP 275, and Super Soaker Pool Pumper Cannon.
15: Submitted reviews of the Super Soaker CPS 1-3-5, Super Soaker CPS 1000, Super Soaker CPS 1200, Super Soaker CPS 1500, Super Soaker CPS 1700, Super Soaker CPS 2000, Super Soaker CPS 2100, Super Soaker CPS 2500, Super Soaker CPS 2700, Super Soaker CPS 3000, Super Soaker CPS 3200, Super Soaker CPS 4100, and Super Soaker CPS Splashzooka 65oz. posted.
New pictures posted for the Super Soaker 30, Super Soaker 300, Super Soaker 55, Super Soaker XP 95, Super Soaker XP 110, and Super Soaker XP150
14: Submitted reviews of the Speed Loader 1000 and Speed Loader 2500 posted

May16: Massive amounts of content donated to from member, Aqua-Flash! Lots of pages to be updated soon.
3: First Battle of the Season pictures by M4 reposted in the Gallery.

April15: Submitted Review of the Water Warriors Vindicator posted.
12: Pre-Super Soaker History article posted; an interesting look at Larami Corp. before the dawn of the Super Soaker.
10: More images added to the Water Warfare Gallery (from German Discos?!)
2: Storm 500 pics and limited info posted.

March30: Storm 2500 pics and limited info posted.
25: Submitted reviews on the Super Soaker Arctic Blast and Super Soaker XP105.
21: Happy First Full Day of Spring! Water Warriors Power Shots review posted.
18: History of the Super Soaker Page and the Super Soaker Evolution Tree corrected with more additions to come.
14: Storm 1200 pics and limited info posted.
12: It has come to our realization that after more research that the History of the Super Soaker Page and the Super Soaker Evolution Tree has some chronological mistakes. We are working on correcting the mistakes, but it will take a little time since the changes also require moving a number of review files around. That said, we hope to have some fun and neat images and factoids to share in the not-too-distant future.
10: Storm 750 pics and limited info posted.
3: Water Warriors Deluge review posted.

February14: Water Warriors Equalizer review posted. Happy Valentine's Day!
1: Water Warriors Renegade review posted.

January24: Water Warriors Vindicator: Internal Pics posted.
22: Water Warriors Vindicator review posted.
14: Something Odd/Funny added to the Gallery.
9: Learning new things about stock soakers to come in 2009 from Buzz Bee Toys Inc. There will be at least four (4) additional blasters beyond the Pulse series, namely the Water Warriors Deluge, Water Warriors Equalizer, Water Warriors Renegade, and the Water Warriors Vindicator. More news on the blasters to come soon!

1: Happy New Year, 2009! update now online!

See the History: page for a summary of what's news or simply browse around the site to see what new things you can find. 2009 looks like it should be a great year for water warriors, but time will truly tell.

Soak on! Leave NO one dry!

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